
Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome

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awesome-open-geoscience Awesome

Geoscience is awesome.

Open geoscience is even more awesome, so we made a list. This list is curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome. In accordance with the awesome manifesto, we add awesome repositories. We are open to contributions of course, this is a community effort after all.



Awesome software projects sub-categorized by focus.


  • Seismic Un*xC Seismic data processing suite
  • MadagascarC Python Multi-Dimensional data processing suite
  • OpenSeaSeis - C++ Seismic workflow generator and seismic viewer
  • ObsPyPython Framework for seismic data I/O and processing
  • BrugesPython Useful geophysical equations and tools
  • SegyioPython / matlab Fast library for SEGY files.

Well Log

  • lasioPython Reading and writing well data using Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files
  • WellyPython Analyzing and processing well log data
  • StriplogPython Display lithological and stratigraphic logs for wells and outcrop.
  • FuzzyLAS – Web app for looking up curve mnemonics

Simulation and Modelling

  • FatiandoPython Modeling and inversion in geophysics
  • SimPEGPython Simulation and parameter esimation in geophysics
  • DevitoPython Finite-Difference computation from high-level symbolic problem definitions.
  • bh_tomomatlab Borehole Radar and Seismic Tomography Package
  • gprMaxPython CUDA Finite-difference time-domain electromagnetic wave propagation simulator. gprMax can be run on either CPU or GPU.
  • modelr.ioPython Javascript Web app for simple synthetic seismic forward modeling.

Reservoir Engineering

  • libresPython Tool for managing an ensemble of reservoir models
  • libeclPython I/O for Eclipse reservoir simulator files
  • MRSTmatlab Rapid prototyping and demonstration of new simulation methods in reservoir modelling and simulation
  • DuMuxC++ Simulator for flow and transport processes in porous media


  • pyKrigingPython N-dimensional kriging
  • SGeMS - CUDA Stanford Geostatistical Modeling Software
  • HPGLPython High Perfomance Geostatistics Library
  • gstatPython Geostatistical modelling, prediction and simulation
  • PyGSLIB - Python Mineral resource estimations


  • Generic Mapping Tools – About 80 command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets
  • Awesome-Spatial – Awesome list for geospatial, not specific to geoscience but significant overlap.
  • geonotebookPython Jupyter notebook extension for geospatial visualization and analysis. Developed by NASA.


  • ColorcetPython Perceptual colormaps
  • cmoceanPython MatPlotLib collection of perceptual colormaps for oceanography


  • OpendTect – Seismic interpretation package

Data Repositories


Tutorials and Cheat Sheets




How to Contribute

Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.




To the extent possible under law, all contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.