
DALi AddOns

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AddOn Example

This repository is a framework that should be used in order to build DALi addons.

Creating new AddOn

In order to create a new AddOn create a directory witin ./dali/addons and add the cmake file with build setup. The file must have a cmake extension.

AddOn build cmake file

Sample build.cmake file:

SET(ADDON_NAME "name-of-addon")  

ADDON_NAME - name of the final addon library ADDON_VERSION - version of addon SOURCES - list of the source files to build the addon ADDON_ENABLED - (optional, 1 by default), if 0 the addon is excluded from the build CURRENT_DIR - the path relative to the addon source directory (must not be changed!)

Implementing the new AddOn

To implement the new AddOn the class AddOnBase should be used. AddOnBase takes care of registering the AddOn with the AddOnManager and provides interface to create dispatch tables for AddOn exported functions.

Sample implementation

#include <dali/devel-api/addons/addon-base.h>
class SampleAddOn : public Dali::AddOns::AddOnBase  
  void GetAddOnInfo( Dali::AddOnInfo& addonInfo ) override  
    addonInfo.name = "SampleAddOn";  
    addonInfo.type = Dali::AddOnType::GENERIC;  
    addonInfo.next = nullptr;  
    addonInfo.version = 0u;  
  DispatchTable* GetGlobalDispatchTable() override  
    static DispatchTable dispatchTable;  
    if( dispatchTable.Empty() )  
      dispatchTable["TestFunction"]       = SampleAddOnNS::TestFunction;  
      dispatchTable["TestFunction2"]      = SampleAddOnNS::TestFunction2;  
      dispatchTable["TestFunctionAlias2"] = SampleAddOnNS::TestFunction2;  
    return &dispatchTable;  
  DispatchTable* GetInstanceDispatchTable() override  
    static DispatchTable dispatchTable;  
    if( dispatchTable.Empty() )  
      dispatchTable["TestInstanceFunction"]  = SampleAddOnNS::TestInstanceFunction;  
      dispatchTable["TestInstanceFunction2"] = SampleAddOnNS::TestInstance1;  
      dispatchTable["TestInstanceFunction3"] = SampleAddOnNS::TestInstance3;  
    return &dispatchTable; 

AddOnBase interface

void AddOnBase::GetAddOnInfo( Dali::AddOnInfo& addonInfo ) Function fills the Dali::AddOnInfo structure. Must be overriden by derived class.

DispatchTable* AddOnBase::GetGlobalDispatchTable() Returns valid global dispatch table or nullptr when dispatch table is unspecified.

DispatchTable* AddOnBase::GetInstanceDispatchTable() Returns valid instance dispatch table or nullptr when dispatch table is unspecified.

REGISTER_ADDON_CLASS( CLASS_NAME ) Macro registers the derived AddOn class and creates library entry point.

Setting up the dispatch table

The DispatchTable is a map-like type. It allows to create aliases for AddOn implemented functions. To add a new entry or modify existing use index operator with a string as parameter, for example:

dispatchTable["FunctionName"] = FunctionPointer;

The DispatchTable may be modified in the runtime in order to change the AddOn behaviour. For example, it is possible to map different functions in case of debugging the addon.

Building the AddOn

AddOns may use DALi internal source code.


All the DALi repositories must be present next to dali-addons-example. The DESKTOP_PREFIX variable must be set (as for whole DALi build in general).

cd dali-addons-example/build/tizen
cmake .
make install

The AddOns will install at ${DESKTOP_PREFIX}/opt/lib.


First all DALi repositories must be built using GBS and be deployed to RPMS directory of the GBS root. The Tizen AddOns build system will use the *-debugsource-*.rpm packages.

Use GBS to build Tizen addons (as for DALi libs):

gbs -c gbs.conf build --keep-packs --define "enable_trace 1" --define "enable-debug 1" --include-all --ccache --define "jobs 4"