
Documentation for 3DS Max scripting language

Primary LanguageMAXScript

Introduction to Maxscript


This repository is based on the subject Tool scripting from the Salle Masters MVD. Its main purpose is to be used as a tutorial and guide for future projects. Hope it is useful.

You can also find all the maxscript documentation from 3ds Max here.


  • function variable parameters
  • primitive parameter1:value1 parameter2:value2 ...
  • ...


1_basic_transformations 2_loops_and_iterations 4_user_interface_widgets_2 5_animations 6_splines 7_ray_intersections


1. Basic transformations

-- Information text
global names= #("creation","movement","scaling","rotation")
for i = 0 to 3 do (
	temp = -50 + i*50
	t = TextPlus Plane:0 name:("text_" + names[i+1] as string) size:10 pos:[temp,-50,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)

-- Primitive creation. We can use diferent type of primitives: box, sphere, plane,...
box name:"box_creation" wirecolor:(color 255 0 0) pos:[-50,0,0]

-- Primitive displacement. It's important to check the units setup, it will affect the results.
box name:"box_movement" wirecolor:(color 0 255 0) pos:[0,0,0]
move $box_movement [0,0,15]

-- Primitive scaling
box name:"box_scale" wirecolor:(color 0 0 255) pos:[50,0,0]
scale $box_scale [0.5,0.5,2]

-- Primitive rotation
box name:"box_rotation" wirecolor:(color 255 255 0) pos:[100,0,0]
rotate $box_rotation (eulerangles 0 15 45)

Maxscript file example: 1_basic_transformations

2. Loops and iterations

-- Information text
t = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"text_loops_and_iterations" size:10 pos:[0,-80,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)
t.SetPlaintextString("Loops and iterations")

-- Example of double 'for loop' to create grid of objects
for i = 0 to 10 do (
	for j = 0 to 10 do (
		if mod i 2 == 0 and mod j 2 == 0 then (
			sphere name:("Red Sphere (x:" + i as string + " y:" + j as string + ")") pos:[-50 + 10*i,-50 + 10*j,6] radius: 5 wirecolor:(color 255 0 0)

			sphere name:("Yellow Sphere (x:" + i as string + " y:" + j as string + ")") pos:[-50 + 10*i,-50 + 10*j,6] radius: 2 wirecolor:(color 255 255 0)

-- Example of 'for each' iterating all objects in the scene to modify some transform values.
for item in $objects do(
	if classOf item as string != "TextPlus" then (
		if item.wirecolor.r == 255 and item.wirecolor.g == 255 then(
			scale item [2,0.5,0.5]
			rotate item (eulerangles -45 0 0)

Maxscript file example: 2_loops_and_iterations

3. Functions

-- Information text
t = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"text_functions" size:6 pos:[0,-10,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)

global max_depth = 5

-- Function implementation with recursive tree exercise.
function createChildren childAmount depth = (

	b = box name:(depth as string) width:1 height:1 length:1
	depth = depth + 1

	if depth > max_depth do
		return b

	initial = (b.pos.x - childAmount/2)

	for i = 1 to childAmount do (
		child = createChildren childAmount depth
		child.parent = b
		child.pos = [initial, depth, 0]
		initial += i*2

	return b


-- Function being called
createChildren 2 0

Maxscript file example: 3_functions

4. User Interface Widgets

-- Function that replaces the 3Ds Max selection with the object previously picked
function replaceItems objs = (
	for item in objs do(
		print item
		maxOps.cloneNodes replace_object cloneType:#instance newNodes:&nnl #nodialog
		nnl.name = "clone_" + item.name
		nnl.position = item.position
		nnl.rotation = item.rotation
	delete objs

-- Widget instantiation/definition and specification. You can create the base through "Tools > New Rollout"
rollout ReplaceObjectsWidget "Replacing Objects Widget" width:397 height:124
	pickbutton 'btn2' "Pick Object" pos:[39,39] width:127 height:56 align:#left
	button 'btn3' "Replace Objects" pos:[193,41] width:151 height:58 align:#left

	on btn2 picked obj do(
		if isValidNode obj do(
			btn2.text = obj.name
			replace_object = getnodebyname obj.name

	on btn3 pressed do(
		print "DONE - Replacing selected items"
		if replace_object != undefined then(
			replaceItems(selection as array)
			messagebox "ERROR - No selected object, please select any object before replacing."


-- Widget creation
createDialog ReplaceObjectsWidget

Maxscript file example 1: 4_user_interface_widgets_1

-- Information text
t = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"User interface widgets 2" size:14 pos:[0,-150,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)
t.SetPlaintextString("User interface widgets 2")

function createCircle rad step = (
	local amount = 360 / step
	for i = 0 to amount do (
		local out_angle = i * step
		x = rad * cos(out_angle)
		y = rad * sin(out_angle)
		sphere name:("circle_sphere_" + i as string) pos:[x,y,0] radius:3 wirecolor:(color 255 0 0)

function createElipse rad1 rad2 step = (
	local amount = 360 / step
	for i = 0 to amount do (
		local out_angle = i * step
		x = rad1 * cos(out_angle)
		y = rad2 * sin(out_angle)
		sphere name:("elipse_sphere_" + i as string) pos:[x,y,0] radius:3 wirecolor:(color 0 255 0)

function createSpiral a b amount step = (
	for i = 1 to amount do (
		local out_angle = i * step
		x = (a + b * out_angle) * cos(out_angle)
		y = (a + b * out_angle) * sin(out_angle)
		sphere name:(i as string) pos:[x,y,i] radius:2.5 wirecolor:(color 0 0 255)

-- Widget instantiation and parameters
rollout ShapeCreationPanel "Shape Creation Panel" width:200 height:124
	button 'btn1' "Generate" pos:[23,70] width:150 height:38 align:#left
	dropDownList 'ddl1' "Type of shape:" pos:[23,16] width:150 height:40 align:#left items:#("Circle","Elipse","Spiral")

	on btn1 pressed do(
		case ddl1.selection of(
			1: createCircle 100 10
			2: createElipse 100 50 10
			3: createSpiral 0.1 0.1 100 10


-- Widget creation
createDialog ShapeCreationPanel

Maxscript file example 2: 4_user_interface_widgets_2

5. Animations

-- Information text
t1 = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"sequential_text" size:8 pos:[20,-40,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)
t2 = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"manual_text" size:8 pos:[-20,-40,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)

-- Add keyframes manual
manual_box = teapot name:"manual_box" wirecolor:(color 255 255 0) pos:[-20,0,0] radius:15
rotate $manual_box (eulerangles 0 0 180)
with animate on(
	at time 0 manual_box.pos.z = 0
	at time 100 manual_box.pos.x = -100

-- Add keyframes sequentialy
sequential_box = teapot name:"sequential_box" wirecolor:(color 255 0 0) pos:[20,0,0] radius:15
animate on for t = 0 to 100 by 5
do at time t(
	sequential_box.position = sequential_box.position + [5,0,0]

Maxscript file example: 5_animations

6. Splines

-- Information text
t1 = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"spline_text" size:8 pos:[0,-50,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)
t1.SetPlaintextString("Spline filled with objects")

-- Function that creates a two-point spline
fn drawLineBetweenTwoPoints pointA pointB =
  ss = SplineShape pos:pointA name:"spline_temporal"
  addNewSpline ss
  addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
  addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
  updateShape ss

-- Spline creation calling function
input_spline = drawLineBetweenTwoPoints [-50,0,0] [50,0,0]

-- Filling spline surroundings with props
density = 200 as float
for i = 0 to density do (
	road_point = lengthInterp input_spline (i/density)
	road_tangent = lengthtangent input_spline 1 (i/density)
	road_off_dir = cross road_tangent  [0,0,1]

	new_pos1 = road_point + (random 5 22) * road_off_dir
	new_pos2 = road_point - (random 5 22) * road_off_dir
	b1 = box name:("prop_" + i as string) pos:new_pos1 scale:[0.1,0.1,0.1]
	b2 = box name:("prop_" + i as string) pos:new_pos2 scale:[0.1,0.1,0.1]
	local amount = random 0 4

Maxscript file example: 6_splines

7. Ray intersections

-- Information text
t = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"raytrace_text" size:14 pos:[0,-60,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)
t.SetPlaintextString("Ray intersections")

-- Primitive object example to cast ray and place object on
cone pos:[0,0,0] name:("raytrace_sphere") wirecolor:green scale:[2,2,3]

-- Raytracer function
rayPicker_primitive = box
tool rayPicker
	on mousePoint clickno do
		ry = mapScreenToWorldRay mouse.pos
		myray = ray ry.pos ry.dir
		local intersect = intersectRayScene myray

		if intersect.count > 0 do
			rayPicker_primitive name:"raytracer_primitive" pos:intersect[1][2].pos scale:[0.1,0.1,0.1] wirecolor:(color (random 0 255) 0 0)

-- Widget instantiation and parameters
rollout RaytracerWidget "Raytracer Widget tool" width:245 height:106
	button 'btn1' "Apply" pos:[11,63] width:220 height:29 align:#left
	dropDownList 'ddl1' "Spawn primitive type" pos:[11,11] width:219 height:40 align:#left items:#("sphere","box","teapot")

	on btn1 pressed do (
		case ddl1.selection of
			1: rayPicker_primitive = sphere
			2: rayPicker_primitive = box
			3: rayPicker_primitive = teapot
			default: box

		stopTool rayPicker
		startTool rayPicker



-- Widget creation
createDialog RaytracerWidget

Maxscript file example: 7_ray_intersections

8. Macros

-- Remove macro function to avoid stacking up macros on toolbar
function removeMenu m_name = (
	del_menu = menuMan.findMenu m_name
	if del_menu != undefined do
		menuMan.unregistermenu del_menu

-- Test function to be called from macro in toolbar
function create_object_test =
	delete $objects

	-- Information text
	t1 = TextPlus Plane:0 name:"macro_text" size:8 pos:[0,-40,0] wirecolor:(color 255 255 255)

	-- Sphere object
	sphere name:"macro_sphere" wirecolor:(color (random 0 255) (random 0 255) (random 0 255))

	print "Object created successfully!"

macroScript LaunchMenu category:"MVD" --macroscript menu

--Adding menu macro process with menuMan
removeMenu "MVD Tools"
theMainMenu = menuMan.getMainMenuBar() --get the main menu bar
theMenu = menuMan.createMenu "MVD Tools" --create a menu called Forum Help
theSubMenu = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "Launch tool" theMenu --create a SubMenuItem
theMainMenu.addItem theSubMenu (theMainMenu.numItems()+1) --add the SubMenu to the Main Menu
theAction = menuMan.createActionItem "LaunchMenu" "MVD" --create an ActionItem from the MacroScript
theMenu.addItem theAction (theMenu.numItems()+1) --add the ActionItem to the menu
menuMan.updateMenuBar() --update the menu bar

Maxscript file example: 8_macros