Improving Audio-Visual Speech Recognition by Lip-Subword Correlation Based Visual Pre-training and Cross-Modal Fusion Encoder

  • Overview

    In recent research, slight performance improvement is observed from automatic speech recognition systems to audiovisual speech recognition systems in end-to-end frameworks with low-quality videos. Unmatching convergence rates and specialized input representations between audio-visual modalities are considered to cause the problem. In this paper, we propose two novel techniques to improve audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) under a pre-training and fine-tuning training framework. First, we explore the correlation between lip shapes and syllablelevel subword units in Mandarin through a frame-level subword unit classification task with visual streams as input. The finegrained subword labels guide the network to capture temporal relationships between lip shapes and result in an accurate alignment between video and audio streams. Next, we propose an audio-guided Cross-Modal Fusion Encoder (CMFE) to utilize main training parameters for multiple cross-modal attention layers to make full use of modality complementarity. Experiments on the MISP2021-AVSR data set show the effectiveness of the two proposed techniques. Together, using only a relatively small amount of training data, the final system achieves better performances than state-of-the-art systems with more complex front-ends and back-ends. In this repostory, we release the PyTorch code of our work based on Espnet and kaldi.

  • Training Pipeline

    Uni-modal networks are first pre-trained and later integrated into a fusion model following unified fine-tuning. In the first stage, we pre-train a hybrid audio-only ASR CTC/Attention model. For the video modality, we explore a correlation between lip shapes and subword units to pre-train the video-only model. Then we initialize and fine-tune the audio-visual fusion model, after the two unit-modal networks have converged.


  • Lip-Subword Correlation Based Visual Pre-training

    We propose a subword-correlated visual pretraining technique that does not need extra data or manuallylabeled word boundaries. We train a set of hidden Markov models with Gaussian mixture model (GMM-HMMs) on farfield audio to produce frame-level alignment labels and pretrain the visual frontend by identifying each visual frame’s corresponding syllable-related HMM states. Compared to the pretraining method based on end-to-end continuous lipreading, our method explicitly offers syllable boundaries to establish a direct frame-level mapping from lip shapes to syllables in Mandarin. These fine-grained alignment labels guide the network to focus on learning visual feature extraction of lowquality videos. On the other hand, this pre-training method could be viewed as a cross-modal conversion process that accepts video frames as inputs and generates acoustic subword sequences. It is helpful to explore potential acoustic information from lip movements and contributes to a good adaptation process with the audio stream in the fusion stage.

  • Cross-modal fusion encoder

    In the fusion stage of decoupled training, the initialized audio and visual branches already have the fundamental ability to extract uni-modal representations. Based on the straightforward assumption that the audio modality contains more linguistic information essential for ASR tasks. We propose a novel CMFE block in which the audio modality dominates and more training parameters of the network are used for modality fusion modeling. As for the modality fusion structures, motivated by the decoder architecture of the vanilla transformer, the layer-wise cross-attention is designed in different layers to make full use of modality complementarity.

SOTA Comparison



STEP1: Run to obtain the ASR system

**STEP2: **Run | to obtain the VSR system

STEP3: Run | | to obtain the AVSR system based on the pre-trained ASR and AVSR


  • For signal processing code, you could refer to nara_wpe | cpu_gss | gpu_gss. In this paper, we use cpu_gss, but for futher experiment gpu_gss achieve a much better performance

  • To general force subwords labels for VSR trainining, you need to train a HMM-GMM. The related code can be found in misp2022baseline.


If you find this code useful in your research, please consider to cite the following papers:

  title={Improving Audio-Visual Speech Recognition by Lip-Subword Correlation Based Visual Pre-training and Cross-Modal Fusion Encoder},
  author={Dai, Yusheng and Chen, Hang and Du, Jun and Ding, Xiaofei and Ding, Ning and Jiang, Feijun and Lee, Chin-Hui},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME)},