
Language string collector daemon

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC


Wanna collect language strings fast? Welcome to langd!

This is built on top of core_d.js.

Installation guide

$ npm install -g @daliusd/langd

NOTE: npm comes builtin to node.

Install fd as this is requirement to find messages_en.json files.

Using in the command line with node.js

The langd script always takes the file in the standard input and the optional positional parameter with the root folder:

$ cat file.ts | langd /path/to/root

How it works

When you run langd then it searches for messages_en.json files in specified root and loads content of messages_en.json to memory. Next time you run langd it will get results from memory.

If you add new messages_en.json files under your root langd will search them again in 5 minutes. If you need to do it faster then restart langd using langd restart.

Files are cached for 60 minutes but they will be reloaded on modification. If you want to see what files are currently loaded in memory run langd status:

❯ langd status

Paths cached by root

Root: /home/daliusd/projects/em/packages/fun-react

        - No cached files

Root: /home/daliusd/projects/em/packages/fun-picker

        - /home/daliusd/projects/em/packages/fun-picker/src/assets/locales/messages_en.json

Editor integration

Neovim with nvim-lint

Here is how I have configured langd using nvim-lint:

    config = function()
      require('lint').linters_by_ft = {
        javascript = { 'langd' },
        javascriptreact = { 'langd' },
        typescript = { 'langd' },
        typescriptreact = { 'langd' },

      vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufRead", "InsertLeave" }, {
        callback = function()

      require('lint').linters.langd = {
        cmd = 'langd',
        stdin = true,
        args = { vim.fn.getcwd() },
        stream = 'stdout',
        parser = require('lint.parser').from_pattern(
          '(%d+):(%d+):(%d+) (.*)',
          { "lnum", "col", "end_col", "message" },
            ["source"] = "langd",
            ["severity"] = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO,

Neovim with null-ls

Here is how it can be integrated with null-ls.nvim.

NOTE 2023-07-17: null-ls is going to be deprecated so I do not recommend using it.

local langd = {
  method = null_ls.methods.DIAGNOSTICS,
  filetypes = { "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact" },
  generator = null_ls.generator({
    command = "langd",
    args = { vim.fn.getcwd() },
    to_stdin = true,
    format = "line",
    on_output = helpers.diagnostics.from_patterns({
        pattern = [[(%d+):(%d+):(%d+) (.*)]],
        groups = { "row", "col", "end_col", "message" },
        overrides = {
          diagnostic = {
            severity = helpers.diagnostics.severities.information,


This should show strings for corresponding keys in Neovim:
