
Script(s) to scrape Ontario's covid19 data and save in mongodb

Primary LanguagePython

Ontario Covid-19 tracker

Data sources

See code in GitHub repo

Visualizations of data here built with MongoDB and Metabase


Status updates pulled daily from here https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/status-of-covid-19-cases-in-ontario

Case data pulled daily from here https://data.ontario.ca/en/dataset/confirmed-positive-cases-of-covid-19-in-ontario


Total cases for Canada and other provinces pulled daily from here: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html

The world

CSV of world data from Our World in Data


Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.text

Setup environment

Create a text file named .env and add MONGO_URI=<mongo_uri>
$ export MONGO_URI=<mongo_uri>

Sync Ontario's data with db

Sync status updates

$ python src/sync_ontario_statuses.py
stores updates in ontario_statuses collection

Sync case data

$ python src/sync_ontario_cases.py
stores updates in ontario_cases collection

Download Canada data

Fetch csv of updates and store as json

$ python src/update_canada_data.py

Download world data

Fetch csv from Our World in Data and store as json

$ python src/update_country_data.py

Download PHU data

Scrape various Ontario PHUs and store as json and csv

$ python src/update_ontario_region_data.py

Sync with db

Store various jso files in db
$ python src/sync_with_db.py