Real-time Pencil Rendering

This is a course project for Computer Graphics, lectured by Professor Sheng Li at Peking University, 2012. Basically we redo the work of Hyunjun Lee, who also helped us throughout the course project, and provided us with some textures for rendering. The main reference for this project is 

[1] Lee H, Kwon S, Lee S. Real-time pencil rendering[C]. Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Non-photorealistic animation and rendering. ACM, 2006: 37-45.

Key words: Computer Graphics, OpenGL, pencil rendering, shading language

方向键 Up Down Left Right 移动视点
A S D W 移动光源
1/2 缩小/放大视点
3/4 左/右旋转模型

Pencil Rendering是主工程,包括了实时渲染系统


有三个obj可供观看,在Pencil Rendering的main.cpp文件中改变载入的obj文件名,分别是granade.obj、lamp.obj、hydr.obj,其中lamp.obj与其他两个模型的初始视点不同,可能进入以后看见一片白,用上下左右键进行调整。