Tic Tac Toe

TDD kata with NUnit and Shouldly.

Implement gameplay logic for the Tic Tac Toe game.

Given the following contracts:

interface IGamePlay {
    void Play(int x, int y, Player player);
    IGameState State();
interface IGameState {
    Player?[,] Board { get; }
    Player? Winner { get; }
    bool IsDraw { get; }

1. Create a public class that implements the IGamePlay contract and write the logic for the IGamePlay.Play() method that will allow to progress the game. Whenever the game cannot progress, an exception is thrown with a suitable message.


  • The board is made up of 3x3 grid of empty spaces
  • The first player decides whether they want to use "X" or "O" symbol
  • Symbols can be placed only in an empty space on the grid
  • The same player can not play twice in one row
  • The player that first gets three symbols in a row, column or diagonal wins
  • If there are no more available moves, the game is a draw


   |  0  1  2   (x)
 0 | [ ][ ][ ]
 1 | [ ][ ][ ]
 2 | [ ][ ][ ]


2. Report the game state using the IGamePlay.State() method.


  • It needs to represent the current state of the game
  • Users should not be able to tinker the state (i.e. by modifying the Board contents)