The bootstrap project is about getting users from zero to Fyne as fast as possible. The automation is underway - this page will stay up to date with the latest instructions.
Some operating systems are fully automated but others need you to install some dependencies first - follow the right instructions below for your system.
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
The recommended method for OS X installation is to use homebrew - if you do not already have it installed then just execute the following command and follow the instructions:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
After that you can use the bootstrapper to complete the process
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Installing on Windows is a little more complicated, the recommended setup is using MSYS. If you do not already have the MSYS command line you can install it from . The remaining dependencies are managed by Win-Builds which you can download from - make sure to install it for MSYS when asked. Allow Win-Builds to install all the recommended packages and then update your MSYS environment to include the following variables:
export PATH=$PATH:/c/Go/bin:/opt/windows_64/bin
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/windows_64/lib64/pkgconfig/
If you get errors later on about pkg-config not working you may need to fix prefix variable in some /opt/windows_64/lib64/pkgconfig/ files (ecore.pc, ecore-input.pc, ecore-evas.pc, eina.pc, eo.pc, evas.pc, evil.pc)
- change /opt/windows_64 to c:\\msys64\\opt\\windows_64
To get the basic install of Fyne running on Windows you still need to install the Go code directly, this is done using the built in go get functionality:
go get
That's all there is to it - you're now ready to write your first Fyne app!