
A (very) simple blogging platform—not quite simple enough, however; thinking of abandoning in favor of jekyll (http://github.com/mojombo/jekyll)

Primary LanguageRuby

Hi, and welcome to my first ever public Rails project.
So very excite!

Anyway, to get started with this stuff, just run script/ink/install.

After that, you'll want to edit these lines of config/environment.rb:
	PASSWORD   = 'secret'
	BLOGNAME   = 'ink'
	SITETITLE  = 'welcome to ink'
As well as provide a unique session key and secret:
	config.action_controller.session = {
	  :session_key => '_my_site_ink_session',
	  :secret      => '128-bit hexidecimal key'

I am aware that the current "authentication" system is quite janky, but I did warn you.
I told you this was a _simple_ blog platform and that it is also my _very first_ public project.

So you, like me, will just have to endure.

Some things that it might be nice to know (after running script/ink/install, of course):

	- There is a place for you to put some footer content at
	- There is a design/ directory where you can put whatever design files you need
		(such as design/MyLogo.psd)
	- Any and all styles you put in public/stylesheets/ (such as public/stylesheets/styles.css)
		will not be harmed by future updates ink only needs the stylesheets in public/stylesheets/ink/
	- Pretty much, if you come across a directory or file named ink or that has ink as a prominent part of its name,
		don't touch it and we should all be okay.

Once you're in the app, go to /login to test out your PASSWORD and make sure you get admin privileges.
You should see the message "Successfully logged in." next to the ink logo and the option to create a "New post."

Write, design, customize, enjoy!
