
Inspired by Una Kravet's repo of the same name, these are my personal goals made public!

Personal Goals

Inspired by Una Kravet's repo of the same name, these are my personal goals made public!

Overarching Goals for 2016

  1. Be a better husband, brother, son, friend, coworker
  2. Be more thoughtful
  3. Plan ahead!
  4. Help K3 become budgitarily free
  5. Be a more focused, front-end developer
  6. Spend more time doing meaningful things
  7. Start a Walla Walla Developer Night
  8. Start a regular game night
  9. Prioritize personal health and fitness
  10. Finish all of the SDA-HPERA videos

May 15–21, 2016

This Week’s Focus:

Let’s start blogging! Jaimie’s Baby Shower!

Things I’ll Do This Week:

  • Pick a topic or two to write posts about
    • developer essentials: homebrew, git, node, npm, node-sass, webpack
    • deploying to heroku (or "how I set up my ghost blog")
  • Create first draft(s) of topic(s)
  • Investigate Ghost blogging platform on Heroku or DigitalOcean
  • Walla Walla Developer Night on Monday? (talk to Kevin & Nicole)
  • Text mentees -- some need to pull their grades up!
  • When would be a good evening for a mentee get-together?
  • What would be a good meal for mentee get-together? (BBQ & ice cream?)
  • Call Mom -- what dates can I come in June?
  • Paint black-on-yellow blackletter “a”
  • Drink 2 Nalgenes a day (S M T W T F S)
  • Eat at least 1 piece of fruit a day (S M T W T F S)
  • Bicycle shopping (and budgeting)
  • Edit at least 1 SDA-HPERA video
  • Find resources for increasing/focusing memory

Things I’ll Read/Watch This Week:

Additional Things I Did This Week:

  • Tried on the 2nd suit for Bruce’s wedding
  • Sent back the 1st suit
  • Egghead.io series on ES2015 (a.k.a. ES6)

Things I'll Do In The Future

  • Plan some blog posts
    • Tools and dev setup
    • git aliases
    • succulents?
    • fun with ruby
    • something with ES6 or TypeScript
    • Angular 2 stuff
    • Using package.json as a task runner/build tool
    • webpack
    • docker
  • Figure out whether or not to host my own blog (Ghost on Digital Ocean?) or just post to Medium
  • Plan budget for buying a bicycle
  • Buy a bicycle