
Ad-hoc contract programming

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


refutable is a lightweight and flexible assertion and contract programming tool. It evaluates blocks of conditions (aka contracts) and notifies the user should some of the checks fail.

  • Usable in both a standalone app or a browser. The compressed download size in <10kB.
  • Produces a detailed human- and machine-readable report.
  • Executes the contract to the end, not short-circuiting on the first failure like other solutions including stock assert module would do.
  • Of failure, a customizable action is performed which may be a log message, an exception (the default), or even calling back home.
  • Condition blocks can be nested.
  • New conditions can be created.
  • Reasonably fast, heavily optimized for passing checks (check example/speed.js).


  const refute = require( 'refutable' );
  const order = {
    version: 1.3,
    total:   10.28,
    price:   9,
    tax:     1.27,
    nmae:    'q. e. 2',
    cart:    [
      { id: 7, qty: 1, price: 5 },
      { id: 13, qty: 0, price: 2 },
      { id: 22, qty: 2, price: 2 },
  refute(r => r
    .type( order.version, 'number', 'a numeric version is included' );
    .equal( order.total, order.price + order.tax, 'money adds up' );
    .match( order.name, /\w/, 'the only assumption to be made about a name' );
    .forEach( 'check items in the cart', order.cart, (inner, item) => {
      inner.type( item.id, 'integer', 'items should have ids' );
      inner.type( item.qty, 'integer', 'number of items is whole' );
      inner.cmpNum( item.qty, '>', 0, 'at least one item bought' );

Note that while we use data validation in this example, nothing prevents us from accessing other data or even executing functions inside contracts.

The report produced:

Uncaught Error: refute/1.1
    1. a numeric version is included
    !2. money adds up
        ^ Condition `equal` failed at REPL23:3:7
        - 10.28
        + 10.27
    !3. the only assumption to be made about a name
        ^ Condition `match` failed at REPL23:4:7
        | undefined
        | Does not match : /\w/
    !4. check items in the cart
        1. item 0
            1. items should have ids
            2. number of items is whole
            3. at least one item bought
        !2. item 1
            1. items should have ids
            2. number of items is whole
            !3. at least one item bought
                ^ Condition `cmpNum` failed at REPL23:8:15
                | 0
                | is not >
                | 0
        3. item 2
            1. items should have ids
            2. number of items is whole
            3. at least one item bought


Less is more, and runtime assertions are actually refutations.


A contract is a block of code containing one or more condition checks.

The first argument is a report object that keeps track of condition checks and their results.

Additional arguments may follow, if needed (e.g. we want a saved code block for data validation).


Each condition is a falsifyable statement about some data and/or code: (deep) equality, inequalities, data type, regexp matching, etc.

In particular, conditions may include nested contracts.

Conditions are implemented as methods of the report object. They are chainable, i.e. return the object itself.

Currently the following conditions are available:

  • check (evidence, [comment])

Most basic check, will fail if evidence evaluates to true. If a Promise is given instead, the check will be pending until the promise resolves, and the returned value will be substituted for evidence.

  • equal (actual, expected, [comment])

  • match (string, regexp, [comment])

  • within (value, min, max, [comment])

Check that value (typically string or number) is within closed interval [min, max].

  • nested (comment, subcontract )

A nested contract. Subcontract must be a function that takes a fresh report object.

  • cmpNum (actual, op, expected, [comment])

Compare 2 values (not necessarily numbers).

op is one of: '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!='

  • cmpStr (actual, op, expected, [comment])

Compare 2 values but stringify them before comparison is made.

op is one of: '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '==', '!='

  • type (actual, expectedType, [comment])

expectedType is one of: 'undefined', 'null', 'number', 'integer', 'nan', 'string', 'boolean', 'object', 'array', a class, or an array (meaning a sum of types) containing 1 or more of the above.

  • forEach (comment, list, subcontract)

Subcontract must be a function taking report and a value.

Checks that it passes for all values in the list.

  • ordered (comment, list, subcontract)

Subcontract must be a function taking report and two values.

Checks that it passes for all subsequent value pairs in the list.

  • deepEqual (actual, expected, [options={}], [comment])

Output will be generated as tuples of (position, actual, expected). Only a few (default is 5) such tuples will be generated.

The detailed documentation can be found on github.


A condition is assumed to pass unless there is an evidence that something is not right. For equal, it is a simple diff between expected/actual values. For deepEqual it's a list of nodes that do not match. And so on.

The evidence is stringified and stored in the report object.

A generic condition named check may be used to pass custom data as evidence, should the user need to evaluate a sophisticated condition once or twice.


After running the checks, the report object may be stringified into a text format inspired by Perl's TAP and the diff utility. It is terse and intended to be read by humans, yet can be parsed back into the original report object.

    1. a passing test - nothing to see here
    ; comment added by report.info() method
    !2. a failing test - see evidence below!
        ^ condition `equal` failed at foo.js:42
        - 22
        + 4
    ...3. pending check (e.g. waiting for a promise to resolve)
    4. a nested check
        1. ok let's keep it simple for now
        2. but we go deeper if we need to

An abbreviated form of stringified report, available via getGhost() method, only shows which checks have passed and failed:


It can be used to vefiry conditions / contracts themselves by giving them deliberately incorrect inputs.


One can test try out varyous contracts at the playground.

Customizing refute

refute.config function may be used to create an isolated instance of refute with different parameters, in particular, the onFail action.

This is done so to allow changing refute's setup in one package without affecting the others.


This is the default one as exceptions are hard to forget about.

Be careful about throwing exceptions in async code, though.

  const refute = require( 'refutable' ).config({ onFail: r => { throw new Error(r.toString()) } });


  const refute = require( 'refutable' ).config({ onFail: r => console.log(r.toString()) });

Calling home (don't forget a session!)

Using report outside runtime assertions

  const report = new refute.Report();
  report.run( r => {
    r.equal( foo, bar, 'foo equals bar' );
  report.getPass(); // true|false
  report.getDone(); // true|false
  report.getCount(); // number of checks run
  report.toString(); // stringified version described above

Custom conditions

New conditions may be added via refute.addCondition(name, options, implementation) static function.

This creates a function named name in Report.prototype (and thus all report objects) which accepts options.args arguments plus an optional description and passes them (without description) to the implementation.

The implementation function must return evidence. If evidence is a false value (null, undefined, 0, false, or ''), the check is assumed to pass. Otherwise it fails, and the details are appended to the report object.

Multiple lines of evidence may be returned as [ ... ]. Lines prefixed with + and - are assumed to be expected and actual values, respectively.

Note that implementation does not have access to the report object.


  // define a new condition
    { args: 1 },
    n => {
      // Not the most efficient way but it will do as an example
      for (let i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        if (!( n % i ))
          return i + ' divides ' + n;
  // test it for most obvious cases
  const report = new refute.Report().run (r => {
  // more fine-grained ways of verifying a report exist
  // but getGhost is the simplest
  refute (r => {
    r.equal (report.getGhost(), 'r(N,N,2)', '2 failing & 2 passing checks' );


Alexander Kuklev for early discussion.

Kirill Sukhomlin for coding style feedback.


Copyright (c) Konstantin Uvarin 2021-2022