# scheduling-application

Title: Scheduling Application

Purpose: The purpose of this application is to manage a set of customers and appointments. 
This application will allow you to update and add customers and appointments as needed, as well as view useful reports.

Author: Dallin Reeves
Contact info: dreev47@wgu.edu
Application version: 1.0
Date: 30 March 2022

IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 (Community Edition)
JDK: Amazon Corretto Version 11.0.14
JavaFX: JavaFX-SDK-17.0.1
Database Driver: mysql-connector-java-8.0.25

Directions: Upon starting the application, you will be shown a login screen. Enter your user name and password to be granted access. If needed, this login 
screen will be translated to French. Upon succesfully logging in, you will be taken to the main Scheduling Page. This page will show you two tables: one for 
customers and one for appointments. Below each table, you will find three buttons: Add, Update, and Delete. Clicking the Add button underneath the customer 
table will take you to the Add Customer form, where you can enter information for a new customer. Clicking the Update button under the customer table (after 
selecting a customer from the table) will take you to the Update Customer form, where you can update information from the selected customer. After selecting 
a customer from the table, clicking the Delete button will remove that customer from the table and database, if that customer does not have any appointments 
currently scheduled. The Add button below the appointment table will take you to the Add Appointment form where you can enter information for a new appointment. 
Likewise, after selecting an appointment from the appointment table, the Update button under the appointment table will take you to the Update Appointment 
form, where you can update appointment info. Clicking the Delete button will also remove the selected appointment from the table and database.

On the bottom left of the scheduling screen, there is a button for Reports. Clicking on this button will take you to the Reports form where you can get info 
from three different reports. The first report will show you the total number of appointments for the type and month selected in the combo boxes. The second 
report will show you the appointments scheduled for the contact selected in the contact box. The third report will show you the number of customers in the 
country that has been selected in the country box.