
Implementation of manipulating the DOM by accessing nested HTML objects in Javascript.

Primary LanguageHTML

You've been hacked !


A group of unknown people hacked the HR Web Site. They changed some of the content on the site. While the security team is trying to find and eliminate the hacker code, your task is to restore the site to its previous state. Unfortunately, any changes you make in the html code have no effect. They may even destroy the original functionality of the site, so the only way to fix this is through writing your own code in the script.js. The hackers managed to deactivate the document.getElementById, document.getElementsByTagName, document.getElementsByClassName, and document.getElementsByTagNameNS, so the only way to modify the site is by changing the properties of the variables which contain a reference to html elements.

What are you going to learn?

  • Manipulate the DOM.
  • Access nested HTML objects in JavaScript.


  1. Change the placeholder from Enter bank account of hacker here to possible number by accessing the variable numberInput.

    • The input below the text Input some text has the placeholder text possible number.
  2. Change the button label from Calculate the person with the highest hacking score to Calculate highest salary by accessing the variable calculateHighestSalaries.

    • The button under the five horizontal inputs has the label Calculate highest salary.
  3. Change the value of all salaries which have the value -999999 to 12823 by accessing the salaryList variable.

    • In table of the employees and salaries there are three rows with a value of 12823.
  4. Change the button label from Find all matching hackers to Find all matching inputs by accessing the employeeList variable. Make the design of the button similar to the rest of the buttons on the page.

    • The last button in the page has the label Find all matching inputs.
    • The last button in the page has the same look as the rest of the buttons in the page. (That is, blue background and white text.)
  5. Change all names in the last table from Hacker n to the values in the originalEmployeeData list by accessing the employeeList variable.

    • The last table includes the names John Smith, Phyllis Duncan, Alexandra Cummings, Ruth Martin, Charissa Kinney, Jared Noel, Mark Osborne, Andrew Johnson, Macy Masse, and David Mcdonald.
  6. Change the area that contains the words Hackers to do not allow you to calculate the salaries anymore to contain the HTML code from index.html beneath the div with id=salariesInput.

    • Under the Calculate Net button, there are five inputs and a Sum salaries button.
    • Clicking the Sum salaries button calls the sumSalaries function, which displays the sum of the values from the previous inputs.

General requirements



  • Add lots of HTML code at once by modifying the innerHtml property.
  • See all properties of a DOM object in the console by typing console.dir(variableWhichContainsHtmlObject).

Background materials