
Deploy a simple, multi-tier web application with Ansible

Primary LanguageJinja

Vagrant Ansible Lab

The lab will implement the following configuration:

Machine Name Role Network Configuration OS
control Ansible host private_network, ip: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
app01 web server 1 private_network, ip: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
app02 web server 2 private_network, ip: Rocky Linux 9
app03 web server 3 private_network, ip: Windows Server 2016


Quick Start

  • Clone this repo
  • Ensure you have installed Vagrant and Virtualbox(check Prerequisites section)
  • Run vagrant up from the root of the cloned repo (the folder with Vagrantfile in it)
  • Once the VMs are built, type vagrant ssh control to login to the ansible controller from within your vagrant project folder.
  • Change directories cd /vagrant/ansible which is the ansible subfolder of your vagrant project for this lab (the vagrant project folder is mounted within the VMs as /vagrant during provisioning)

Important Files

  • ./hosts: File defining the servers to be managed
  • ./ansible.cfg: Ansible supports several sources for configuring its behavior, including an ini file named ansible.cfg, environment variables, command-line options, playbook keywords, and variables. Changes can be made and used in a configuration file which will be searched for in the following order(Ansible will process the below list and use the first file found, all others are ignored.):
    • ANSIBLE_CONFIG (environment variable if set)
    • ansible.cfg (in the current directory)
    • ~/.ansible.cfg (in the home directory)
    • /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  • ./group_vars/all/main.yml: Global variables file for all of the host groups
  • ./group_vars/nginx/main.yml: Global variables file for nginx host group
  • ./group_vars/prometheus/main.yml: Global variables file for prometheus host group
  • ./playbooks: Playbook folder for Ansible lab
  • ./roles: Role folder for Ansible lab


Working With Inventory

List all hosts:

$ ansible --list-hosts all
$ ansible --list-hosts "*"

List hosts from specific group:

$ ansible --list-hosts loadbalancer

List hosts using wildcard filter

$ ansible --list-hosts "app*"

List hosts from multiple groups

$ ansible --list-hosts database,control

List first node in webserver group:

$ ansible --list-hosts webserver[0]

List hosts not in control group:

$ ansible --list-hosts \!control

Adhoc Command Examples

Ping all of the hosts:

$ ansible -m ping all

Run hostname command on target hosts:

$ ansible -m command -a "hostname" all

Run hostname command on target hosts(here we are not passing module, command module is the default one):

$ ansible -a "hostname" all

Playbook Examples

Simple playbook that executes "hostname" command:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/hostname.yml

Show what hosts are involved in this playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/hostname.yml --list-hosts

Show what tags are involved in this playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/hostname.yml --list-tags

Run only steps in a playbook that have a tag called "packages" defined:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/site.yml --tags "packages"

Run only steps in a playbook that DON'T have a tag called "packages" defined:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/site.yml --skip-tags "packages"

Step through tasks and be prompted whether to run each step or not:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/site.yml --step

Show all tasks that will be executed by the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/site.yml --list-tasks

Skip over steps in a playbook and start at a specific task:

$ ansible-playbook -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/stack_status.yml --start-at-task "verify end-to-end response"

Verify syntax:

$ ansible-playbook --syntax-check /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/site.yml

Do a simulated run of the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook --check -i /vagrant/ansible/hosts /vagrant/ansible/playbooks/site.yml