
The VideoClassifier incorporates TensorFlow's machine learning capabilities and neural network implementations to actively analyze video streams and recognize specific categories of content.

Primary LanguagePython

Video Classifier

The Video Classifier incorporates TensorFlow's machine learning capabilities to actively analyze video streams detect specific categories.

Setup Instructions

  • Python 3
  • TensorFlow
  • OpenCV

Instructions for Running Tornado Classifier Server for Trained Model

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Copy the tf_files folder with your model to /Models/tf_files-v{1.0} replacing the brackets with your own version number.
  3. Navigate into the VideoClassifier directory using the command line.
  4. Run python3 TornadoServer.py [model_version], replacing the brackets with your model version number to execute the server.
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 to get the test the web application for classification.

Instructions for Training New CNN Image Recognition Model

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Copy the training images onto the Models/tf_files-v{1.0}/cnn/dataset directory. Make sure all image files are divided into different folders, each folder named with the associated category/label.
  3. Navigate into the VideoClassifier folder with the command line.
  4. Execute the Trainer.py script with cnn option followed by your version number. Ex: python Trainer.py cnn 1.0
  5. The script will start the retraining process and save your model under tf_files-v{1.0}/retrained_graph.pb.

Disclaimer: The VideoClassifier/tf_scripts folder is sourced from the official TensorFlow repo. It contains helper scripts for training and classifying, and is provided within for convenience, to avoid having to clone the entire repository.

Instructions for Training RNN LSTM Models

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Copy the training video frames onto the VideoClassifier/Models/tf_files-v{1.0}/rnn/dataset directory.
  3. Run the Trainer.py script using the rnn option followed by your model version number. Ex: python Trainer.py rnn 1.0
  4. The script will start pre-processing the data, and then initiate the training process, saving your model under tf_files-v{1.0}/rnn-model/lstm-model.

Note: The training process may take extremely long time periods depending on the size of your dataset. It is recommended to run on powerful machines, preferrably using NVIDIA GPUs with an optimized version of TensorFlow.

Instructions for Dataset Construction using VideoClassifier

  1. Organize all videos into different folders, each with a unique category name to be recognized.
  2. Copy all videos to be classified onto Models/tf_files-v1.0/videos using the version number desired.
  3. Navigate into DatasetToolkit/ using the command line and execute python3 VideoClassifier.py (category) (model_version) (mode) [interval], replacing (category) with the unique category name of videos to classify, model_version with the model value on your tf_files-v1.0 folder, and mode with cnn or rnn, depending on the purpose of the dataset.

Usage: python3 VideoClassifier.py (category) (model_version) [mode][state] [interval]

Keyboard Controls

P- Pause

Space - Toggle Adding Frames to Dataset

+ Increase Playback Speed

- Decrease Playback Speed

S - Save

​ **Q **- Quit

Instructions for Dataset Construction using VideoFragmenter

  1. Organize all videos into different folders, each with a unique category name to be recognized.

  2. Copy all videos to be classified onto Models/tf_files-v1.0/videos using the version number desired.

  3. Navigate onto DatasetToolkit using a command line and execute python3 VideoFragmenter.py (category) (mode), replacing category with the desired category to fragment into frames, and cnn or rnn for mode, depending on the usage for the dataset.

    ​ The toolkit will go through every frame for the defined category (category must be present as a folder in Models/tf_files-v1.0/videos folder) and extract each frame into a .jpg file to the Models/tf_files-v1.0/dataset/(MODE)/ folder, mode being either cnn or rnn.



Models are saved as tf_files-v1.0 folders under the Model parent folder.


Python-based TensorFlow programs with socket and HTTP servers for classifying images and videos into their distinctive categories and training new CNN and RNN models.


Python based tools to manage video, image frames, and classify into respective categories for effective generation of structured training and validation data sets.

Libraries Used

Python Dependencies

To install the dependencies, use the requirements.txt file supplied. Running pip install -r requirements.txt will install all necessary dependencies for the system.

  • TensorFlow
  • TFLearn
  • Scikit-learn
  • OpenCV
  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • tqdm - Progress bar support

Video Datasets

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