
My configurations of neovim inspired by ThePrimeagen

Primary LanguageLua

Neovim LSP configuration

I work with Neovim for a long period, but like a franktesin with with many configuration in many files, parts with lua configuration, other with vim configs, a truly messy.

So this new configuration is totally using LSP and Lua.

If you is new with Neovim I really recommend you following and watch the many tips of ThePrimeagen:


What I will find?

I work with Java, Php, Vuejs, Javascript and I currently studying Rust and Go. So you will find all this configurations and plugins.

Why Neovim?

Neovim is awesome, you can do everything is like start ride in bicecly its not easy in the first steps are hard, but when you find your balance, you will have a lot of fun and challengs. Its very fast and productive, is not to everyone but don't give up in the first days keep doing 1% day by day and in the long run you will breath Vim!

Using my configuration

If you want use this configuration follow the steps


The first step is clone this repository at


Command git clone git@github.com:daltondiaz/init.lua.git nvim

If you already have a nvim folder a good option is rename mv nvim nvim_bk so you wouldn't lose your old configuration.

Rename folders

You'll find some folder with my name so you can use them because of course is a wonderfull name or you can rename to your name/alias


Now inside lua/dalton(or your name/alies of last step) open nvim packer.lua and type :PackerSync if don't work use this command first :so to source your file.


Enjoy baby!!