
Javascript library to do pinch zoom that preserves scale and rotation correctly.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Zoom it!

Forked off the brilliant https://github.com/anitasv/zoom

Due to a quick turn around, had to implement quickly some extra features;

  • Min/Max Scale
  • Boundary Pan
  • Doubleclick zoom in/out

This code is not production ready, it works in my case, your mileage may vary.

DEMO https://github.com/dalyr95/zoom


Allows your users to zoom, rotate, and pan images using touch gestures.

For a DEMO open this on mobile: http://anitasv.github.io/zoom/

Type Link Size
Minified http://anitasv.github.io/zoom/zoom-1.0.7.min.js 2184 bytes (gzip: 1024 bytes)
Debugging http://anitasv.github.io/zoom/zoom-1.0.7.js 10815 bytes
NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/zoom-it

For an explanation of math see https://github.com/anitasv/zoom/wiki/Explaining-Math

Send pull requests, bug reports, and feature requests to https://github.com/anitasv/zoom/


<div width=320 height=240 style="overflow:hidden;">
    <!-- this doesn't have to be an image -->
    <img id="torotate" width=320 height=240 src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/w33i78Rt0j4GHr7SA1luYtBAtmC1DmRHwobUcK1wCKivA_u4VczsDw0CweLmJpUwFRUs=w1920-h1200-no">

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://anitasv.github.io/zoom/zoom-1.0.7.min.js"> </script>

The overflow:hidden is to crop the image moving outside the original border. Be creative. Hotlinking to github.io may get you blocked; so copy to your own location.

var elem = document.getElementById('torotate');
var zm = new Zoom(elem, {
    rotate: true

Pan cannot be currently disabled, there is an outstanding issue on it.

You can do operations like zm.reset() on this object, by default it attaches listeners to the object given.

If you are using NPM, then

var zoom = require("zoom-it");
var wnd = window; // Get this.

var elem = document.getElementById('torotate');
var zm = new zoom.Zoom(elem, {
    rotate: true
}, wnd);