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Acces here Blog Post Web application

Technologies used: Java, Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate, ThymeLeaf, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS, Object Oriented programming, MVC, H2 database.

Module 3 Mastery Project


Build a dynamic web application with a MVC architecture.

  • Use TDD to create a suite of unit tests and integration tests.
  • Keep your code clean.
    • Follow We Can Code IT's Java Style guide when writing your code.
    • Use proper naming conventions.
    • Make clear and concise names for methods and variables.
    • Use OOP practices when you can.
  • Make effective use of git and GitHub.
    • Make frequent commits.
    • Utilize feature branching.
  • Working Software based on the Module 3 Mastery guideline at Module 3 Mastery
    • We are looking for an web application that utilizes a MVC architecture using spring boot.
    • We need to see dynamic content being rendered and the ability to add content to the application through an HTML form.
    • Upon submission we should have an application that starts and passes all tests in the test folder.
    • Prepare a custom file. Smart Columbus Open Data Enthusiasts provide a good resource for what an could look like here.

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