
Generates json config file for marathon framework from (luminus friendly) config.edn

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Clojars Project

lein-marathon enables it to convert the config file(config.edn) of Luminus-framework to Marathon-framework style one (JSON mode).


Add lein-marathon to your plugin list in your project.clj:

:plugins [[lein-marathon "0.1.0"]

Available commands:

$ lein marathon # default dev
$ lein marathon dev
$ lein marathon prod

If you make an app with Luminus web framework, a config file is generated at a specific directory.
For example, in you project.clj, you may find a profile information added as below:

  {:uberjar {:omit-source true
             :aot :all
             :uberjar-name "testminsun.jar"
             :source-paths ["env/prod/clj"]
             :resource-paths ["env/prod/resources"]}

   :project/dev  {...
                  :source-paths ["env/dev/clj"]
                  :resource-paths ["env/dev/resources"]
  • dev is from resource-paths of :project/dev.
  • prod is from resource-paths of :uberjar.

You just may change your config path in the project.clj.


It generated to .marathon_config_dev or .marathon_config_prod.

from env/prod/resources/config.edn

{:production true
 :port 3000}

to .marathon_config_prod


You can just copy & paste to your marathon framework configuration on JSON mode.



  • This version only works on Luminus framework. So your project must be written in Luminus style. A framework-independent version would be updated soon.

  • Any feature you want is welcome!

  • PR is also welcome 🤗


If you want to create environment variables file(eg. ENV_VAR1=1 ...) for Docker containers. Recommend orend's lein-var-file.


Copyright © 2017 Minsun Lee

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.