
Simple application for manage personal Blog written in PHP.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Travel blog

Travel blog, with the ability to create accounts, add posts and comment. A simple administrative system for users and blog administrators.

Author: Damian Nowak

Design assumptions

  • Editing content is available only after logging in.
  • Possibility to register as a user.
  • Possibility to add posts, manage own posts and manage comments for users.
  • Possibility to manage all posts and users for administrators.
  • Possibility to comment on posts for everyone.


  1. Based on the .env.example file, create the .env file, and complete the database information.
  2. Retrieve all dependencies with the composer install command.
  3. Run the page in the browser.
  4. Access to the administrative panel is possible via the address The sample database contains the admin account with the password admin, with administrator privileges.

The runtime environment

To run the project, it is recommended to use the Laravela server.

  1. Go to the directory in which the project is located.
  2. Run the server using the php artisan serve command.
  3. In the case of the first application launch, please migrate with the command php artisan migrate:refresh --seed.
  4. From now on the blog is available at