
Android nanodegree projects, learnings, experiences and reviews.

Android Nanodegree

Repository to keep a track of all the learnings, projects created, and resources used during my Android Nanodegree.

Basic app for getting one introduced to Udacity environment. Nothing much to talk about.

Covers many aspects of basic android development- SharedPreferences, Activities, Fragments, Networking, Settings, etc.
New things learnt: PreferenceScreens, RecyclerView GridLayoutManager, passing objects between activities using Parcelable interface, handling SharedPreferences.

Very important lesson. Teaches advanced topics like Services, Loaders, ContentProviders, ContentResolvers, Supporting multiple screens, Master-Detail flow, SyncAdapter, Alerts and Notifications.

Objective is to productionize an app, taking it from a functional state to a production-ready state.
Learning outcomes: finding and handling error cases, adding accessibility features, allowing for localization, adding widgets, adding libraries.

In this project, the task was to create an app with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries (Android and Java) and Google Cloud Endpoints.

The aim was to port a given app according to Material Design guidelines, i.e., adding design dependencies, CollapsibleToolbarLayout, Surfaces, Motion, FAB, extending theme from AppCompat, etc and providing user a complete and seemless experience.

The aim was to create a watch face for the sunshine app to run on an Android Wear device.

A dose of motivational quotes and knowledge packed in a semi-offline android application.

Motivation Daily aims at providing quotes to user by:

  • famous personalities, or
  • quotes categories

Uses firebase as a back-end for working, and all the present data is available for offline use once it has been loaded. Various firebase services used are:

  • database, for realtime database services
  • crash reporting
  • analytics
  • notifications