
Java In-Memory file system

Primary LanguageJava


Design file system to provide following functions:

  • mkdir: Give full qualifying path, make directory. Create all the directories if they are not existing in the path.
  • ls: Given directory path, list all the files and folders in sorted order. Return file/directory names as List of Strings.
  • createFile: Given path (directory path excluding filename), a file name and the content of file as a String, create said file. If the file already exists, append given content to original content. This function has void return type.
  • cat: Given directory path and a file name, return file content as a String.


  • All paths are absolute paths starting with "/" as root directory.
  • All operations are valid operations. Error check needs to be implemented.
  • Directory and File names are case sensitive


  • Implemented N-ary tree structure to implement in-memory tree structure.
  • Used HashMap to look-up directory/file name in O(1) time.
  • Time complexity:
    • mkdir, takes O(n) time to navigate to desired directory path and create a directory.
    • ls, takes O(n + k log k) time. Here n is directory hierarchy (depth) and k log k is time complexity to sort k result-set in the directory.
    • createFile, cat, takes O(n) time. It takes O(n) time to navigate directory structure and constant time to create, append or read a file.

Desired Improvements:

  • Build AI to allow user to input either relative or absolute path.
  • Add more comprehensive tests.

Source Code:

  • Create desired project workspace directory. example: ~/Documents/workspace/
  • Download from git repo: git clone https://github.com/damehta/java-filesystem.git
  • Use IDE (Eclipse/Idea) and import as new Maven project.
  • Extend and Run tests using mvn clean test.