"What's In My Fridge?"




“What’s In My Fridge?” is a CRUD, MVC web application that allows a user to create or add new grocery items to their virtual refrigerator, read the grocery items in their fridge, update or edit the grocery items they own, and finally, delete or destroy any of the grocery items they own. With the use of forms new and altered data is persisted and retrieved to and from a database. Users can login and out of the application, view other user’s refrigerators but NOT edit or delete their items, and, finally, message other users via email.

Related Blog Post: Cookies and Sessions


Before you begin,

Installation & Usage

Run bundle install to install the gems in the Gemfile, then start the application via Shotgun by executing 'shotgun' in your terminal.

Contributors' Guide

This repo subscribes to the Contributor Code of Conduct, based on the Contributor Covenant. The maintainers of this code take the code of conduct, to which all who are interacting with the projects codebase and mailing lists must adhere, very seriously.


This code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


If you want to contact me you can reach me at damely.tineo07@gmail.com.