
eMacs Cljure Ubuntu 14.04 install and setup

Primary LanguageC

2023 Update

This page has some examples of starter scripts: https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport/blob/master/docs/emacs-start-helpers.md

The following script worked for me:

exec $(brew --prefix)/opt/emacs-mac/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs.sh "$@"

Installing emacs-mac with brew install emacs-mac --with-starter will create this script automatically instead of the emacs symlink. Then starting Emacs with emacs works without the input issues.

Compile eMacs 25.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 (installation step by step tutorials) & on Mac OSX

Please check the detailed tutorial files. Here come just a few basic steps. Don't forget install the dependencies too (emacs24).

  1. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  2. sudo apt-get install build-dep emacs

If you get error message: E: Unable to locate package build-dep Solve with this line: apt-get install lib32stdc++6

  1. sudo apt-get install emacs

  2. emacs

Adam-Arold Clojure setup summary

// from Clojure Budapest Meetup https://github.com/adam-arold/emacs-config-tutorial

Other sources

Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTuzbY1YyzM
Learning GNU Emacs https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Emacs-Third-Debra-Cameron/dp/0596006489

  1. Mac OSX keyword fixing (!!) --- ALT (M) from: https://github.com/frobware/cmd-key-happy

Build, Installation and Usage Instructions

Build the application:

$ make

Install (default is /usr/local/bin)

$ sudo make install

Copy the sample rcfile (example-rcfile.lua) to ~/.cmd-key-happy.lua:

$ make install-rcfile

Install the launchd configuration:

$ make install-plist

*** BEGIN Mavericks only BEGIN ****

This last step will pop-up a dialog saying something like: "cmd-key-happy" would like to control this computer using accesibility features. Select "Open System Preferences" and grant "cmd-key-happy" access. And now you need to restart:

$ cmd-key-happy-restart

Note: It is necessary to restart as the dialog that is popped up is asynchronous to the running of cmd-key-happy.