This page has some examples of starter scripts:
The following script worked for me:
exec $(brew --prefix)/opt/emacs-mac/ "$@"
Installing emacs-mac with brew install emacs-mac --with-starter
will create this script automatically instead of the emacs symlink. Then starting Emacs with emacs works without the input issues.
Please check the detailed tutorial files. Here come just a few basic steps. Don't forget install the dependencies too (emacs24).
sudo apt-get install build-essential
- sudo apt-get install build-dep emacs
If you get error message: E: Unable to locate package build-dep Solve with this line: apt-get install lib32stdc++6
sudo apt-get install emacs
// from Clojure Budapest Meetup
Youtube video:
Learning GNU Emacs
- Mac OSX keyword fixing (!!) --- ALT (M) from:
Build the application:
$ make
Install (default is /usr/local/bin)
$ sudo make install
Copy the sample rcfile (example-rcfile.lua) to ~/.cmd-key-happy.lua:
$ make install-rcfile
Install the launchd configuration:
$ make install-plist
*** BEGIN Mavericks only BEGIN ****
This last step will pop-up a dialog saying something like: "cmd-key-happy" would like to control this computer using accesibility features. Select "Open System Preferences" and grant "cmd-key-happy" access. And now you need to restart:
$ cmd-key-happy-restart
Note: It is necessary to restart as the dialog that is popped up is asynchronous to the running of cmd-key-happy.