Compojure API test and Swagger API integration example (work with uberjar compile)
I found just Arttuka http-kit swagger tutorial.
. End of this tutorial you can read: "Doesn't currently work because of a suspected problem in compojure-api and AOT compiling."
.. that wasn't good news for me .. and not so happy! I try to find a solution for this. That is my quick demonstration how works the swagger/ compojure-api with http-kit. Plus you can compile with uberjar.
First way to create REST-API:
(GET "/apitest" [challenge :as request]
(let [challenge (or (get-in request [:params :challenge])
(get-in request [:body :challenge])
"John Doe")]
{:status 200
:body [challenge]}))
Second way with Swagger:
(POST "/bot" [challenge]
:return {:challenge String}
:query-params [challenge]
(ok {:challenge challenge}))
; swagger api editor: localhost:8080/api-editor
How to run?
lein run
After this check in the browser:
How to compile with uberjar in this case?
lein with-profile uber uberjar
How to start server?
java -jar target/swagger-httpkit-test-uberjar.jar
Of course, you can improve this. That is just a quick tutorial. Have a nice day,