
Example using AWS ECS for Express API + AWS S3 for React App

Primary LanguageHCL

Terraform Infrastructure for Backend + Frontend with S3 for state files

This project contains Terraform files to create the following architetures for a backend and frontend app:




  • S3 for static website hosting
  • Cloundfront for Content Delivery (CND)

Terraform State files

To store the terraform state files, an S3 service need to be provisioned. To create this service, navigate to the tfstate/ folder. Check the variables beign used in the terraform.tfvars file.

Then, simply run:

$ terraform init
$ terraform apply -var-file="terraform.tfvars"

After creating the resources to store the statefiles, you will may want to use the external storage for them. Create a backend.hcl file to store the informations about the backend external storage. The file will contains the format:

bucket = [s3 bucket resource name]
encrypt = true
region = [region to the used by the terraform]
profile = [aws cli profile to use]
key = "terraform.tfstate"
workspace_key_prefix = [folder hierarchy for the resource beign created, e.g: "frontend" or "backend/ecr"]
dynamodb_table = [dynamo db resource name]

Then, for each folder (resource to be created), run:

terraform init -backend-config=backend.hcl




You may want to create the infrastructure for multiple environments. To do this you will need to store the .statefile for each one. This can be done using terraform workspaces and using the proper .tfvars variable file. Check the environment/ for each environment var file.

To create or select a workspace, run:

#To create and enter
terraform workspace new [environment name]

#To select a existing one
terraform workspace select [environment name]

For example, to create the services for the dev environment, run:

$ terraform init -backend-path="backend.hcl"
$ terraform workspace new dev
$ terraform plan -var-file="environments/dev.tfvars" -out dev.tfplan
$ terraform apply dev.tfplan -var-file="environments/dev.tfvars"