
Simple hotel Rest API based on Spring Boot, Java 8, Hibernate

Primary LanguageJava


Simple hotel Rest API based on Spring Boot, Java 8, Hibernate

Hotel application allow for features as listed:

Hotel administrator perspective

  • List all available hotels
  • Create new hotel
  • List all available rooms for specified hotel
  • Create new rooms for specified hotel

Hotel client perspective

  • List available rooms for specified parameters
    • Arrival date (start)
    • Leaving date (end)
    • Desired city (city)
    • Minimum price for room (min)
    • Maximum price for room (max)

Build application

To build application using maven tool. Write below command in command line from root project dierectory.

mvn clean install

mvnw - maven wrapper could be used too*

Start application

From project directory

mvn spring-boot:run

or start compiled jar from target directory after application build step

java -jar target/spring-hotel-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Application testing


Postman collection is available in postman directory. Just import it to postman application.


Available at https://httpie.org/

Hotel administration api

command description
http GET :8080/hotel List all hotels
http POST :8080/hotel name:='"HotelName"' city:='"City"' Create new hotel
http GET :8080/hotel/HotelName Get info about hotel with given name
http GET :8080/hotel/HotelName/room Get hotel rooms list
http POST :8080/hotel/HotelName/room price:='200' Add room with price to hotel configuration

Hotel client api

command description
http GET :8080/reservation start=="2016-02-01" end=="2016-02-03" city=="Poznan" min=="100" max=="250" List available room for specified parameters
http POST :8080/reservation start:='"2017-05-24"' end:='"2017-05-26"' roomId:='1' Add new reservation


  • Allow admins to accept reservations
  • Add spring security and create separate roles for administrators and clients
  • Registration endpoint for clients and hotel administrators
  • Serve resources only to owners (hotels)
  • Allow to list or cancel client reservations
  • Document api with swagger
  • Add missing JavaDocs to code base
  • Change unchecked Runtime exception to checked. Add error codes with description on controller exceptions.