
A lightweight library to distribute items equally around a circle.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A lightweight library to distribute items equally around a circle.


The circleats() function takes up to 4 parameters:

  • circleSpec - an object with the following properties:
    • x - the x coordinate of circle center
    • y - the y coordinate of circle center
    • r - radius of the circle
  • itemsNumber - a number of items to distribute around the circle
  • startSide - a side the distribution begins on; may be assigned one of the following values: top, bottom, left, right, T, B, L, R (the parameter is case-insensitive, which means you can pass top as well as TOP or Top, for example)
  • itemSpec - dimensions of each item; it may be a single number (then it is interpreted as both width and height) or an array of one or two items ([width, height=width])