
A Gulp plugin by which you can write JavaScript code in Polish.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


That's a Gulp plugin whereby you can write JavaScript code in Polish. Transpiles a code written in JavaScript PL into code written in pure JavaScript, having replaced Polish keywords with JavaScript ones.

JavaScript PL scripts

Keep in mind that when writing Polish code, the code still remains JavaScript code. Only difference is what keywords are in use. An example code is shown below. Files containing Polish JavaScript code have extension .jspl.

zm fibbonaci = generator () {
    zm pre = 0;
    zm cur = 1;

    dopóki (tak) {
        pre = [cur, cur += pre][0];
        dostarcz cur;

The code above is to be transpiled to the form like below.

var fibbonaci = function* () {
    var pre = 0;
    var cur = 1;

    while (true) {
        pre = [cur, cur += pre][0];
        yield cur;

Specifying a custom language

By default, the plugin uses a standard built-in dictionary in which Polish keyword reside. You can add custom one. To do so, follow the below steps:

  • add an object with a vocabulary within the lang directory and name this file, for example fr.js
module.exports = {
    'retour': 'return',
    // ...
  • pass the filename (without the .js extension) to the jspl() call in gulpfile
gulp.task('jspl:fr', function () {
    return gulp.src('french-jspl/*.jspl')

Built-in dictionary

By default, the plugin provides a set of built-in keywords in Polish language. All ones are listed in the attached table below.

Input keyword (JavaScript PL) Output keyword (JavaScript)
zm var
zmienna var
zmienna_blokowa let
stała const
funkcja function
zwróć return
argumenty arguments
parametry arguments
generator function*
dostarcz yield
deleguj yield*
jeśli if
jeżeli if
inaczej else
przełączaj switch
gdy case
domyślnie default
przez for
dla for
w in
z of
rób do
wykonuj do
dopóki while
podczas while
wyjdź break
kontynuuj continue
spróbuj try
złap catch
ostatecznie finally
finalnie finally
rzuć throw
zgłoś throw
mając with
prawda true
tak true
fałsz false
nie false
nic null
nieskończoność Infinity
nieliczba, nie_liczba NaN
typ typeof
instancja instanceof
klasa class
interfejs interface
rozszerza extends
rzuca throws
nowy, nowa, nowe new
usuń delete
konstruktor constructor