
Getting a point by distance from other point.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Math.distantPoint() method is meant to get a point by distance from other point along a line segment.

  relative = false

It may be interpreted as follows:

  • get a line $f$ that passes through both $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$ points
  • go given distance along the line $f$ from $(x_1,y_1)$ towards $(x_2,y_2)$
  • if the relative parameter is true, then it is a percent of a full distance between the points
  • return [x,y], i.e., coordinates of the point found


const p = {x:2, y:4};
const q = {x:8, y:3};
const distance = 2;

const [rx,ry] = Math.distantPoint(
	[p.x,p.y], [q.x,q.y], distance
const prDist = Math.hypot(
	rx-p.x, ry-p.y
	distance === Math.round(prDist)
// true

const h = [
const half = Math.distantPoint(
	[p.x,p.y], [q.x,q.y], 50, true
console.log(h, half);
// [5, 3.5]
// [5, 3.5]