
Project to create a streaming radio, fetching the audio from youtube videos, and creating a custom content to continous streaming, using node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This project is about to create a radio-online using Node.js and fetching the content from youtube, downloading the audio from the videos, using the library ffmpeg to process and decode.

The project are divided in two sections a collector and the streaming server:

  • Collector:

    Is a process witch consume a json file with the youtube videoIds to download the files in a .mp3. The process can merge all the files in a bundle file, this will be used to streaming the audio in the radio.

    Install and run:

     $ cd /collector
     $ npm install
     #Download the audio from videos in the file video_files.json
     $ npm run download
     #Merge all
     $ npm run concat
  • Server streaming:

    Is a audio streaming server, that have a start a streaming of the bundle file created with the collector process.

    Install and run:

     $ cd /server
     $ npm install
     $ npm start

    To try the server you can open a browser and enter to this url: or using VLC player you can load this url and play the streaming from them.

    Note: this server every time when you connect will play the audio from the begining, is'nt a continous streaming.

  • Server Radio:

    Pending, is a continous streaming. When you connect to this streaming the server will stream the audio that are playing in this moment, is diferent to the previous server.