
With everyone being held indoors, we are becoming more dependent on cooking with what we have around the house. Especially if we didn’t get to make it out to the store before everyone else bought up all the supplies.
So what is one to do with what they have? This is where Quarantine meals comes in to play. Quarantine meals allows a user to type in ingredients they have on hand and gives them recipes to work with.
Missing ingredients to make that recipe? Try our substitutions, this allows you to type in an ingredient you need but don’t have and gives you some alternate choices. We’ve also included Keto searches for those that are looking for keto alternative recipes!

User Story

AS A hungry person stuck at home because of Covid-19.
I WANT to make a meal with items I have on hand.
SO THAT I can use what's in my pantry without having to go out.

Acceptance Criteria

WHEN I enter the ingredients I have in the search filter and search for a recipe.
THEN I am presented with recipes that include those selected ingredients.
WHEN I don't have an ingredient I search for a substitute.
THEN I am presented with substitute options.

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