
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Crypto Buddy API Server


  1. NodeJS >= 8.0.0
  2. Yarn


Development can be performed locally as follows:

npm install -g typescript bunyan


yarn watch


This is a base scaffolding for a Restify API Server using TypeScript. npm scripts to manage the development workflow.

Project Scaffolding

As TypeScript is being transpiled the src directory contains the TypeScript which is transpiled to the lib directory which is gitignored. Essentially the TypeScript source is contained in the src directory and transpiled to lib.

Git Hooks

Git Hooks are employed to enforce code quality and aid development and are managed by the npm package git-hooks-plus, a cross platform library which will manage the scripts in the .git/hooks directory.

  1. A pre-commit hook that performs a lint and test before allowing a git commit to succeed.
  2. A post-merge hook that performs an npm install after doing a git pull to save manual running of such.


Debugging can be performed by Chrome Dev Tools. Source maps are also supported so you can debug TypeScript. Debugging capabilities verified on Node.js version 8.6.0.


and then click the link "Open dedicated DevTools for Node"


Mocha, Chai and Supertest are currently used for testing. Each api route should be tested mocking out databases and functionality as required. A test configuration can be observed in config/test.json which disables logging for all but errors

yarn test

Debugging Tests

Sometimes it is desirable to be able to put a debugger on your tests. This can be achieved by writing the debugger statement in your code and then running

yarn watch:test:debug

This will halt/break the code immediately so you'll have to hit the play button to get to your first breakpoint which may be line number in the file you placed your debugger statement on.


The project has two Dockerfiles, the primary is based off the Node image and the slimmer Dockerfile.alpine uses the node alpine variant.

Docker Compose

Docker compose can be used for development as follows:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.debug.yml up --build

Please ensure that yarn is run first to ensure that the local node_modules directory is present as they are mapped for development purposes. The debug version of compose uses the watch command from npm scripts and the sourcemaps have been tweaked to allow Chrome Dev Tools to work in a containerized environment by virtue of inlineSourceMap.

Additionally Docker Compose can be used for testing which is useful in a CI/CD environment. Use the docker-compose.test.yml in the usual manner.

Heroku Deployment

Heroku now allows deployment of Docker containers.

Initial Setup

  1. Ensure that you're logged in via the heroku-cli
heroku login
  1. Login in to the Heroku Docker Registry via the cli
heroku container:login
  1. Create a Heroku app. The following name will be taken if you are cloning this repo so choose another or let heroku auto generate with heroku create.
heroku apps:create cryptobuddy-api
  1. Build the docker image, the Alpine image is smaller and thus quicker to upload and works perfectly for the current requirements.
docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile.alpine -t cryptobuddy-api .
  1. Use docker tag to label our build so Heroku can understand.
docker tag cryptobuddy-api:latest registry.heroku.com/cryptobuddy-api/web
  1. Now we can use docker push to upload the build.
docker push registry.heroku.com/cryptobuddy-api/web
  1. Optionally you can open the Heroku website and see the app but as we this is an api it's best to proceed to step 8.
heroku open
  1. Use curl, wget, postman or your favourite http client to verify the healthcheck endpoint.
curl https://cryptobuddy-api.herokuapp.com/healthcheck

You should get a HTTP 200 OK with a body containing a "mid" property.

Subsequent Build and Update Process

Once the app has been created and deployed for the first time develop some more and when comfortable to push do the following:

yarn deploy

This effectively wraps up and performs the following three step process.

docker build --no-cache -f Dockerfile.alpine -t cryptobuddy-api .

docker tag cryptobuddy-api:latest registry.heroku.com/cryptobuddy-api/web

docker push registry.heroku.com/cryptobuddy-api/web