
libsodium OpenWrt Makefile for package building (dynamic lib)

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


You find this package in the new OpenWrt feed : libs/libsodium


libsodium OpenWrt Makefile for package building (dynamic lib)

###Build for your platform

  1. Install the OpenWrt environnement : http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/buildroot.exigence
  2. Use the Makefile of this repo to build your libsodium package. Example : http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/packages
  3. From the buildroot dir : make package/libsodium/{clean,prepare,configure,compile} V=s


  1. Upload the libsodium_0.4.5-1_{PLATFORM}.ipk to your OpenWrt router : scp libsodium_0.4.5-1_{PLATFORM}.ipk.ipk root@ip_of_your_openwrt:~
  2. Now remote login to your OpenWrt : ssh root@ip_of_your_openwrt
  3. Remote install the package : opkg install libsodium_0.4.5-1_{PLATFORM}.ipk