- 4
[plugin:react-svg] path is not defined
#73 opened by seancheung - 10
Publish a new release?
#64 opened by jnbooth - 1
- 1
Vite 3 not supported as peer dependency
#90 opened by joshacheson - 1
#15 opened by MQYForverT - 3
vite build --sourcemap
#37 opened by jmgirven - 1
Reasoning behind expandProps set to 'end'
#51 opened by robertpiosik - 1
How to add props to svg tags by component ?
#54 opened by arleyGuoLei - 6
Works in dev build but VueComponent export is missing in production build, causing build failure
#7 opened by RegisFrey - 1
- 0
Unnecessary .svg files in build dist
#35 opened by chojnicki - 0
Vite 2 and Vue 2
#34 opened by ajerez - 2
Will vite2.0 be supported in the future
#18 opened by MQYForverT - 0
Readme / npm Install command
#23 opened by MentalGear - 0
vite 打包 rollup 抛出了错误
#20 opened by qq31311137 - 0
啥时候兼容 vite2
#19 opened by qq31311137 - 0
compileTemplate needs new id argument
#17 opened by etdr - 2
Support loading all svgs in a folder
#5 opened by mesqueeb - 3
Can the plugin use default export?
#10 opened by uniquejava - 2
SVG not inlined in production build
#12 opened by richardtallent - 0
Use default export for VueComponent
#14 opened by antfu - 3
Cannot resolve symbol 'VueComponent'
#6 opened by twoheartliu - 1
Support vite 1.0.0-beta
#4 opened by mesqueeb - 1
Dep optimization failed with error:
#3 opened by mesqueeb - 1