
A C# client to access the Discogs Api.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a C# library for accessing the Discogs API v2.0 and is compatible with .Net 6, 7 & 8.

It allows for accessing and modifying a user's collection and wantlist and querying the Discogs database. Either personal access tokens or OAuth 1.0a can be chosen as authentication methods.

Disclaimer: This is a private project and not all Api functions are implemented. I might however add more functionality by request if my time allows for it.


The DiscogsApiClient supports authentication by either using a user's personal access token or the full OAuth 1.0a auth flow.

Personal access tokens are the easiest way to make authenticated requests since it only requires the user to generate an access token in the development section of their profile settings. This might not be a great user experience for an application but is useful if the DiscogsApiClient is used behind an Api as part of a service or in any other head-less scenario.

The OAuth Flow on the other hand allows the user to log in with their Discogs credentials directly in the application and authorize it to make requests on the user's behalf. This requires the application to be registered by the developer in their development profile section and obtain its Consumer Key and Consumer Secret with which the application can fetch a Request Token from the Discogs Api. With this token the application needs to open Discogs' login page and specify a local Url to which the page will redirect after successful login to pass back a Verifier Key with which the final OAuth Token and OAuth Token Secret, needed for the client to be authenticated, are requested. The final token and secret are permanently valid and should be stored so that the user only needs to log in once.

Note: The OAuth flow is implemented in the plain version without encrypting/hashing the tokens because the Discogs Api is only accessible over Https which ensures a secure connection. Doing it this way is even recommended by the Discogs documentation.

Getting Started

Disclaimer: If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 3.0.0 please read further below about the breaking changes.

Download the Nuget Package or compile the library from source.

Register and use the IDiscogsApiClient with either a personal access token

// At startup register the DiscogsApiClient and the authentication provider
// with the IServiceCollection.

services.AddDiscogsApiClient(options =>
    options.UserAgent = "AwesomeAppDemo/1.0.0";

// Inject the IDiscogsAuthenticationService and IDiscogsApiClient
// and authenticate with the personal access token before using the client.

public Foo(
    IDiscogsApiClient discogsApiClient,
    IDiscogsAuthenticationService discogsAuthenticationService)
    _discogsApiClient = discogsApiClient;
    _discogsAuthenticationService = discogsAuthenticationService;

public void Authenticate(string token)

public async Task<string> GetUsername(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var identity = await _discogsApiClient.GetIdentity(cancellationToken);
    return identity.Username

or the OAuth flow:

// At startup register the DiscogsApiClient and the authentication provider.
// Provide the Consumer Key & Secret & verifier callback url here.
services.AddDiscogsApiClient(options =>
    options.UserAgent = "AwesomeAppDemo/1.0.0";
    options.ConsumerKey = "YourConsumerKey";
    options.ConsumerSecret = "YourConsumerSecret";
    options.VerifierCallbackUrl = "http://localhost/verifier_token";

// Inject the IDiscogsAuthenticationService and IDiscogsApiClient
// and authenticate with the OAuth flow before using the client.

public Foo(
    IDiscogsApiClient discogsApiClient,
    IDiscogsAuthenticationService discogsAuthenticationService)
    _discogsApiClient = discogsApiClient;
    _discogsAuthenticationService = discogsAuthenticationService;

// Authenticate with your consumer key & secret from your Discogs application settings.
public async Task Authenticate(
    string consumerKey,
    string consumerSecret,
    CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // Start authentication.
    var session = await _discogsAuthenticationService.StartOAuthAuthentication(cancellationToken);

    // Retrieve Verifier Token.
    // 1) Open browser with session.AuthorizationUrl
    // 2) Detect redirect to session.VerifierCallbackUrl
    // 3) Verifier Token will be appended to the url: http://localhost/verifier_token?oauth_token=TOKEN&oauth_verifier=VERIFIER
    // 4) Parse verifier from url and return it

    // Complete authentication.
    (AccessToken, AccessTokenSecret) = await _discogsAuthenticationService.CompleteOAuthAuthentication(session, verifierToken, cancellationToken);

    // Save and reuse the retrieved access token and secret.


  • 1.0.0

    • Initial release.
    • Support for User Token & OAuth 1.0a authentication flows.
    • Implementation of Api functions for user information, collection & wantlist and database queries.
  • 2.0.0

    • Refactored the library for Dependency Injection support:
      • Added IServiceCollection extension methods to support easy dependency injection.
      • Added IDiscogsApiClient interface for mocking and Dependency Injection.
      • The DiscogsApiClient's HttpClient is now injectable via the constructor.
      • If configured via the IServiceCollection the HttpClient will be injected via the IHttpClientFactory.
      • Needed parameters for the IAuthenticationProviders are moved from their constructors into their IAuthenticationRequest implementations.
    • Sealed all classes for performance.
  • 2.1.0

    • Added missing pagination parameter to GetCollectionFolderReleasesByFolderIdAsync method.
  • 2.1.1

    • Fixed URL not being formatted correctly for GetCollectionFolderReleasesByFolderIdAsync method.
  • 3.0.0

    • The client is now implemented with the Refit library.
    • The library now also targets .Net 7 and the .Net 8 preview.
    • The client now supports rate limiting which is handled with middleware in the HttpClient.
    • Dependency Injection registration is simplified to a single method call.
    • Refactored the authentication flow:
      • Authentication is outsourced into the new IDiscogsAuthenticationService.
      • The new service offers both authentication flows simultaneously and the flows no longer needs to be configured at startup.
      • New HttpClient middleware handles authentication headers.
    • Added demo projects to showcase how to get started.
    • Improved test coverage.
    • The contract classes are restructured into sub-namespaces and a few properties are renamed for clarity.
    • The parameters for Api calls are now validated.
    • New Discogs Api methods query parameters are supported now.
  • 3.0.1

    • Fixed Release.LowestPrice & MasterRelease.LowestPrice deserialization failing due tu null value being sent by Discogs.
    • Fixed a typo in the ReleaseIdentifier class name.
    • Added better exception handling to the OAuth flow. AuthenticationFailedDiscogsException now contains the underlying exception which caused the authentication to fail if one was thrown.
  • 3.1.0

    • Reusing previously obtained Access Tokens & Secret via OAuth was moved into its own method Authenticate method.
    • Optional query parameters are now nullable and optional in the Api call.
    • Some internal interfaces and implementations were made public.
  • 4.0.0

    • The Refit library has been removed because it produces a client implementation which is not Aot compatible and won't be for the forseeable future.
      • Refit has been replaced by a custom Source Generator which creates a client implementation at compile time.
      • The public Api of the IDiscogsApiClient has not been changed and updating will not break existing code.
      • Json serialization has been replaced with a source generated DiscogsJsonSerializerContext.
      • The Refit ExceptionFactory implementation has been moved into a ErrorHandlingDelegatingHandler middleware.
      • Added Demo project for an Aot publishable console application using the DiscogsApiClient.
    • The authentication flow for OAuth has been changed.
      • The single call to AuthenticateWithOAuth using the GetVerifierCallback has been removed.
      • It's been replaced with the two calls StartOAuthAuthentication and CompleteOAuthAuthentication.
      • With this change the OAuth authentication can be handled more linearly instead of with a callback function.
      • The HttpClient used by the OAuthAuthenticationProvider now also uses the ErrorHandlingDelegatingHandler middleware.

Implemented Api Functions

The current implementation of the Api surface is focused on querying the database and accessing the user's collection and wantlist.

User Resources (need authentication)

  • User
    • Get Identity
    • Get User
  • Collection
    • Get all collection folders
    • Get, Create, Update, Delete collection folders
    • Get, Add, Remove releases from a collection folder
    • Get collection value
  • Wantlist
    • Get releases on the wantlist
    • Add, Delete releases to/from the wantlist

Database Resources

  • Get artist & artist's releases
  • Get label & label's releases
  • Get master release & master release versions
  • Get release, release's community rating & release's stats
  • Discogs database search


  • CI/CD
  • Logging