- anton-trunovTON Foundation
- clarusFormal Land
- co-danGroningen
- cpresseyOffice... submarine!
- dannypsnl@second-state
- dunnlUniversity of Pennsylvania
- ejgallegoInria
- euppJetBrains Research
- fehrenbachMarseille
- GoPavelSerokell
- ichistmeinname@Cap3
- jiangsy
- jmitchellSeattle
- KiJeong-LimGwangju, Republic of Korea
- KraksINRIA/ENS; Tufts
- letonchanh
- MesablooFrance
- mukeshtiwariSwansea
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- nobrowser
- omasanoriJapan, or anywhere else
- philzook58Draper
- pi8027Lyon, France
- rgrinbergToronto
- rrika
- sirabenYale University
- smondetNew York, NY
- smorimoto@ocaml @tc39
- takasimizTashirojima
- tchajedUW-Madison
- tkersey@thisisartium
- vbgl
- vonaviHuawei Technologies Co. Ltd
- vyorkin@zeriontech
- williamdemeoIO @input-output-hk
- zhangysh1995Tencent