
Nagios Plugin - Designed for the Hortonworks Data Platform 2.1

Primary LanguagePython

###Hortonworks Data Platform 2.1 Nagios Plugin - Oozie Workflow Status

This plugin will identify and alert the status of Oozie workflows.

Ambari Oozie Nagios Screenshot

###News Updated for HDP 2.1 Nagios integration. This plugin now only reports on a fixed number of jobs in the past that meet time range criteria specified by the admin.

###Dependencies With the Kerberos integration, the Python source will need three new packages installed on the Nagios server. python-kerberos (CentOS Base) python-urllib2_kerberos (EPEL) pytz (CentOS Base)

###Tested HDP 2.1

###Installation All actions are conducted on the HDP2 Nagios server

Read Carefully -- The only files that should be added are check_oozie_workflows{.py,.sh}. The other files are configurations that should be added to the existing Ambari configuration.

  1. Add check_oozie_workflows.py and check_oozie_workflows.sh to the Ambari agent Puppet module files directory at: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/NAGIOS/package/files
  2. Add the additional configuration within the existing Oozie if conditional in file hadoop-services.cfg.erb to: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/NAGIOS/package/templates

Example for hadoop-services.cfg.erb

{% if hostgroup_defs['oozie-server'] %}
# Oozie check
define service {
        hostgroup_name          oozie-server
        use                     hadoop-service
        service_description     OOZIE::Oozie Server status
        servicegroups           OOZIE
        {% if security_enabled %}
        check_command           check_oozie_status!{{ oozie_server_port }}!{{ java64_home }}!true!{{ nagios_keytab_path }}!{{ nagios_principal_name }}!{{ kinit_path_local }}
        {% else %}
        check_command           check_oozie_status!{{ oozie_server_port }}!{{ java64_home }}!false
        {% endif %}
        normal_check_interval   1
        retry_check_interval    1
        max_check_attempts      3
#Oozie workflow check
define service {
        hostgroup_name          oozie-server
        use                     hadoop-service
        service_description     OOZIE::Oozie Workflow status
        servicegroups           OOZIE
        {% if security_enabled %}
        check_command           check_oozie_workflows!{{ oozie_server_port }}!{{ java64_home }}!true!{{ nagios_keytab_path }}!{{ nagios_principal_name }}!{{ kinit_path_local }}
        {% else %}
        check_command           check_oozie_workflows!{{ oozie_server_port }}!{{ java64_home }}!false
        {% endif %}
        normal_check_interval   1
        retry_check_interval    1
        max_check_attempts      3
{% endif %}
  1. Add the additional configuration in hadoop-commands.cfg.erb to: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/NAGIOS/package/templates/hadoop-commands.cfg.erb
  2. Add the additional configuration in nagios_server_config.py to: /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/NAGIOS/package/scripts/nagios_server_config.py
  3. Restart Ambari Server and Ambari Agents
  4. Restart Nagios from Ambari

####Alert Translations

Oozie Status Script Exit Code Nagios Level
all others 0 OK


  1. Filter workflows based on x minutes in the past
  2. Add option to pull x number of workflows. Currently, it pulls the default of 50.
  3. Integrate with Kerberos
  4. Filter workflows based on user
  5. Filter workflows based on name matching