
Primary LanguageShell


LeGit is a bunch of bash functions and aliases dedicated to easy the commit process through Git.

It is under development right now but some feature are already available. More details about them will coming soon.

To use LeGit, clone the repository in your home directory then add the following statements to your .bash_profile.

if [ -f ~/legit/main.sh ]; then
  . ~/legit/main.sh

WARNING : LeGit is mainly some custom function I made on my own whenever it was needed on one of my projects. I can not guaranty fully support on all system. It has been created to work on MacOS operating system and iTerm terminal.



Some simpel aliases has been added to the funcitons :

The alias ll stand for ls -lai

$	ll

The alias graph stand for git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all. It display the graph of branches in the git repo. I found this command here, tanks Slipp D. Thompson.

$	graph


$	commit
$	commit --b branchName
$	commit --branch branchName


The status statement is another way to call git status. It is a more colorful way to display modification on file in git repository.

$	status

You can also display a list of commits not yet pushed to remote server by using -c parameter

$	status -c


The www statement is an alias of cd /Application/MAMP/htdocs

$	www

It handle one argument which will be the name of the directory you wish to go into cd /Application/MAMP/htdocs. The following statement will count as cd /Application/MAMP/htdocs/dummy

$	www dummy


The pane is a bunch of command usable with iTerm

$ 	pane

Split the pane vertically

$ 	pane -sv

Split the pane horizontally

$ 	pane -sh

Move your caret to next pane

$ 	pane -n

Move caret to previous pane

$ 	pane -p

Open a new tab

$ 	pane -t