
BDD style unit testing framework for POSIX compliant shell script

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


BDD style unit testing framework for POSIX compliant shell script.

Let’s test your shell script! (Try the Online Demo on the browser).


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bash bosh busybox dash ksh mksh posh yash zsh

Table of Contents


ShellSpec was developed as a cross-platform testing tool for developing POSIX-compliant shell scripts that work in many environments. It not only works on PC but also in restricted environments like cloud and embedded OS. It provides first-class features equivalent to other language testing tools. Of course ShellSpec is tested by ShellSpec.


  • Works with all POSIX compliant shells (dash, bash, zsh, ksh, busybox, etc...)
  • Implemented by shell scripts with minimal dependencies (use only a few basic POSIX-compliant commands)
  • BDD style specfile interpretable as a shell script
  • Supports nestable blocks with scope like lexical scope
  • Easy to mock and stub in cooperation with scope
  • Skip / pending of the examples, and support of easy-to-skip "x" known as "xit"
  • Hooks before / after examples
  • Parameterized examples for Data-Driven tests
  • Execution filtering by line number, id, focus, tag and example name
  • Quick execution to run only not-passed examples the last time they ran
  • Parallel execution, random ordered execution and dry-run execution
  • Modern reporting (colorized, failed line number, progress / documentation / TAP / JUnit formatter)
  • Coverage (Kcov integration) and Profiler
  • Friendly with Docker and CI
  • Builtin simple task runner
  • Extensible architecture (custom matcher, custom formatter, etc...)

Subproject: ShellMetrics - Cyclomatic Complexity Analyzer

Supported shells

bash, busybox (ash), bosh, dash, gwsh, ksh, loksh, mksh, oksh, pdksh, posh, yash, zsh

Tested Platforms

Platform Test
Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 Travis CI
macOS 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14, 10.14 (Homebrew) Travis CI
FreeBSD 10.x, 11.x, 12.x Cirrus CI
Windows Server 2019 (Git bash, msys2, cygwin) Cirrus CI
Debian 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.11, 8.11, 9.12, 10.3 docker
Alpine 3.11, BusyBox 1.31.1, LEDE 17.01, OpenWrt 18.06, 19.07 docker
Windows 10 1909 (Ubuntu 18.04 on WSL) manual
macOS 10.15 manual
Solaris 10, 11 manual

Tested version details


ShellSpec is implemented by a pure shell script and uses only shell builtins and a few basic POSIX-compliant commands to support widely environments (except kcov for optional coverage).

Currently used external (not shell builtins) commands:

  • cat, date, ls, mkdir, od (or not POSIX hexdump), rm, sleep, sort, time
  • ps (used to autodetect the current shell in environments which do not implement procfs)
  • ln, mv (used only when generating coverage report)
  • kill, printf (used but almost shell builtins)



Web installer

Install the latest release version.

curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | sh


wget -O- https://git.io/shellspec | sh
Advanced installation / upgrade / uninstall

Install the specified version.

curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | sh -s 0.19.1

Upgrade to the latest release version.

curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | sh -s -- --switch

Switch to the specified version.

curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | sh -s 0.18.0 --switch

How to uninstall.

  1. Delete the ShellSpec executable file [default: $HOME/bin/shellspec].
  2. Delete the ShellSpec installation directory [default: $HOME/lib/shellspec].

Other usage.

$ curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | sh -s -- --help
Usage: [sudo] ./install.sh [VERSION] [OPTIONS...]
  or : wget -O- https://git.io/shellspec | [sudo] sh
  or : wget -O- https://git.io/shellspec | [sudo] sh -s -- [OPTIONS...]
  or : wget -O- https://git.io/shellspec | [sudo] sh -s VERSION [OPTIONS...]
  or : curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | [sudo] sh
  or : curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | [sudo] sh -s -- [OPTIONS...]
  or : curl -fsSL https://git.io/shellspec | [sudo] sh -s VERSION [OPTIONS...]

  Specify install version and method

    1.0.0           Install 1.0.0 from git
    master          Install master from git
    1.0.0.tar.gz    Install 1.0.0 from tar.gz archive
    .               Install from local directory

  -p, --prefix PREFIX   Specify prefix                 [default: $HOME/.local]
  -b, --bin BIN         Specify bin directory          [default: <PREFIX>/bin]
  -d, --dir DIR         Specify installation directory [default: <PREFIX>/lib/shellspec]
  -s, --switch          Switch version (requires installed via git)
  -l, --list            List available versions (tags)
      --pre             Include pre-release
      --fetch FETCH     Force command to use when install from archive (curl or wget)
  -y, --yes             Automatic yes to prompts
  -h, --help            You're looking at it

Package manager

Arch Linux

Installation on Arch Linux from the AUR ShellSpec package using aura:

# Install the latest stable version
$ aura -A shellspec
Homebrew / Linuxbrew
# Install the latest stable version
$ brew tap shellspec/shellspec
$ brew install shellspec

Installation with basher

The officially supported version is ShellSpec 0.19.1 and later.

# Install from master branch
$ basher install shellspec/shellspec

# To specify a version (example: 0.19.1)
$ basher install shellspec/shellspec@0.19.1

Installation with bpkg

The officially supported version is ShellSpec 0.19.1 and later.

# Install from master branch
$ bpkg install shellspec/shellspec

# To specify a version (example: 0.19.1)
$ bpkg install shellspec/shellspec@0.19.1

Others (archive / make / manual)


See Releases page if you want to download distribution archive.


How to install.

Install to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib

sudo make install

Install to $HOME/bin and $HOME/lib

make install PREFIX=$HOME

How to uninstall.

sudo make uninstall
make uninstall PREFIX=$HOME
Manual installation

Just get ShellSpec and create a symlink in your executable PATH!

From git

$ git clone https://github.com/shellspec/shellspec.git
$ ln -s /SOME/WHERE/TO/INSTALL/shellspec/shellspec /EXECUTABLE/PATH/
# (e.g. /EXECUTABLE/PATH/ = /usr/local/bin/, $HOME/bin/)

From tar.gz

$ wget https://github.com/shellspec/shellspec/archive/{VERSION}.tar.gz
$ tar xzvf shellspec-{VERSION}.tar.gz

$ ln -s /SOME/WHERE/TO/INSTALL/shellspec-{VERSION}/shellspec /EXECUTABLE/PATH/
# (e.g. /EXECUTABLE/PATH/ = /usr/local/bin/, $HOME/bin/)

If you can't create symlink (like default of Git for Windows), create the shellspec file.

$ cat<<'HERE'>/EXECUTABLE/PATH/shellspec
exec /SOME/WHERE/TO/INSTALL/shellspec/shellspec "$@"
$ chmod +x /EXECUTABLE/PATH/shellspec

Use with Docker

You can run ShellSpec without installation by using Docker. ShellSpec and specfiles run in a Docker container.

See How to use ShellSpec with Docker.

Getting started

Just create your project directory and run shellspec --init to setup to your project

# Create your project directory, for example "hello".
$ mkdir hello
$ cd hello

# Initialize
$ shellspec --init
  create   .shellspec
  create   spec/spec_helper.sh
  create   spec/hello_spec.sh # sample

# Write your first specfile (of course you can use your favorite editor)
$ cat<<'HERE'>spec/hello_spec.sh
Describe 'hello.sh'
  Include lib/hello.sh
  It 'says hello'
    When call hello ShellSpec
    The output should equal 'Hello ShellSpec!'

# Create lib/hello.sh
$ mkdir lib
$ touch lib/hello.sh

# It will fail because the hello function is not implemented.
$ shellspec

# Write hello function
$ cat<<'HERE'>lib/hello.sh
hello() {
  echo "Hello ${1}!"

# It will success!
$ shellspec

ShellSpec features


Usage: shellspec [options...] [files or directories...]

  Using + instead of - for short options causes reverses the meaning

    -s, --shell SHELL               Specify a path of shell [default: current shell]
        --require MODULE            Require a MODULE (shell script file)
    -e, --env NAME=VALUE            Set environment variable
        --env-from ENV-SCRIPT       Set environment variable from shell script file
    -w, --[no-]warning-as-failure   Treat warning as failure [default: enabled]
        --[no-]fail-fast[=COUNT]    Abort the run after first (or COUNT) of failures [default: disabled]
        --[no-]fail-no-examples     Fail if no examples found [default: disabled]
        --[no-]fail-low-coverage    Fail on low coverage [default: disabled]
                                    The coverage threshold is specified by the coverage option
    -p, --[no-]profile              Enable profiling and list the slowest examples [default: disabled]
                                      Profiler tries to use 100% ability of 1 CPU (1 core).
                                      Therefore, not recommended for single(-core) CPU.
        --profile-limit N           List the top N slowest examples [default: 10]
        --[no-]boost                Increase the CPU frequency to boost up testing speed [default: disabled]
                                      Equivalent of --profile --profile-limit 0
                                      (Don't worry, this is not overclocking. This is joke option but works.)
        --keep-tempdir              Do not cleanup temporary directory [default: disabled]

  **** Execution ****

    -q, --[no-]quick                Run not-passed examples if it exists, otherwise run all [default: disabled]
                                      not-passed examples: failure and temporary pending examples
                                      Quick mode is automatically enabled. To disable quick mode,
                                      delete .shellspec-quick.log on the project root directory.
        --repair, --only-failures   Run failure examples only (Depends on quick mode)
    -n, --next,   --next-failure    Run failure examples and abort on first failure (Depends on quick mode)
                                      Equivalent of --repair --fail-fast --random none
    -j, --jobs JOBS                 Number of parallel jobs to run [default: 0 (disabled)]
        --random TYPE[:SEED]        Run examples by the specified random type
                                      [none]          run in the defined order [default]
                                      [specfiles]     randomize the order of specfiles
                                      [examples]      randomize the order of examples (slow)
        --dry-run                   Print the formatter output without running any examples [default: disabled]

  **** Output ****

        --[no-]banner               Show banner if exist 'spec/banner' [default: enabled]
    -f, --format FORMATTER          Choose a formatter for display
                                      [p]rogress      dots [default]
                                      [d]ocumentation group and example names
                                      [t]ap           TAP format
                                      [j]unit         JUnit XML (time attributre with --profile)
                                      [f]ailures      file:line:message (suitable for editors integration)
                                      [null]          do not display anything
                                      [debug]         for developers
                                      custom formatter name
    -o, --output GENERATOR          Choose a generator(s) to generate a report file(s) [default: none]
                                      You can use the same name as FORMATTER. (multiple options allowed)
        --[no-]color                Enable or disable color [default: enabled if the output is a TTY]
        --skip-message VERBOSITY    Mute skip message
                                      [verbose]       do not mute any messages [default]
                                      [moderate]      mute repeated messages
                                      [quiet]         mute repeated or non-temporary messages
        --pending-message VERBOSITY Mute pending message
                                      [verbose]       do not mute any messages [default]
                                      [quiet]         mute non-temporary messages
        --quiet                     Equivalent of --skip-message quiet --pending-message quiet
        --(show|hide)-deprecations  Show or hide deprecations details [default: show]

  **** Ranges / Filters / Focus ****

    You can run selected examples by specified the line numbers or ids

      shellspec path/to/a_spec.sh:10    # Run the groups or examples that includes lines 10
      shellspec path/to/a_spec.sh:@1-5  # Run the 5th groups/examples defined in the 1st group
      shellspec a_spec.sh:10:@1:20:@2   # You can mixing multiple line numbers and ids with join by ':'

    -F, --focus                     Run focused groups / examples only
    -P, --pattern PATTERN           Load files matching pattern [default: "*_spec.sh"]
    -E, --example PATTERN           Run examples whose names include PATTERN
    -T, --tag TAG[:VALUE]           Run examples with the specified TAG
    -D, --default-path PATH         Set the default path where looks for examples [defualt: "spec"]

  **** Coverage ****

        --[no-]kcov                 Enable coverage using kcov [default: disabled]
                                      Note: Requires kcov and bash, parallel execution is ignored.
        --kcov-path PATH            Specify kcov path [default: kcov]
        --kcov-options OPTIONS      Additional Kcov options (coverage limits, coveralls id, etc)
                                      Default specified options: (can be overwritten)
                                      To include files without extension, specify --include-pattern
                                      without '.sh' and filter with --include-*/--exclude-* options

  **** Utility ****

        --init [TEMPLATE...]        Initialize your project with ShellSpec
                                      Template: Create additional files
                                        [git]   .gitignore
                                        [hg]    .hgignore
                                        [svn]   .svnignore
        --count                     Count the number of specfiles and examples
        --list LIST                 List the specfiles/examples
                                      [specfiles]       list the specfiles
                                      [examples]        list the examples with id
                                      [examples:id]     alias for examples
                                      [examples:lineno] list the examples with lineno
                                      [debug]           for developer
                                      The order is randomized with --random but random TYPE is ignored
        --syntax-check              Syntax check of the specfiles without running any examples
        --translate                 Output translated specfile
        --task [TASK]               Run the TASK or Show the task list if TASK is not specified
    -v, --version                   Display the version
    -h, --help                      -h: short help, --help: long help

Configure default options

To change the default options for the shellspec command, create an options file. Files are read in the order shown below, options defined last take precedence.

  1. $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/shellspec/options
  2. $HOME/.shellspec
  3. ./.shellspec
  4. ./.shellspec-local (Do not store in VCS such as git)

Special environment variables

Special environment variables understood by ShellSpec begin with SHELLSPEC_. They can be overridden with a custom script using the --env-from option.

Todo: descriptions of many special environment variables.

Quick execution

Quick execution is a feature for rapid development and failure fixing.

When you run shellspec with --quick option first, Quick mode is automatically enabled. When Quick mode enabled, The file .shellspec-quick.log generated on the project root directory. If you want to disable Quick mode, delete .shellspec-quick.log.

When Quick mode enabled, the results of running examples are logged to .shellspec-quick.log on the project root directory (even if --quick option is not specified).

Use --quick option is for rapid development. When --quick option specified, It runs examples that not-passed (failure and temporary pending) the last time they ran. If there are no examples that did not pass, It runs all examples. It is designed to be added to $HOME/.shellspec instead of being specified each runs.

Use --repair and --next option is for rapid failure fixing. It runs failed examples only (not includes temporary pending).

Parallel execution

You can use parallel execution for fast test with --jobs option. Parallel jobs are executed per specfile. So it is necessary to separate the specfile for effective parallel execution.

Random execution

You can randomize the execution order to detect troubles due to the test execution order. If SEED is specified, the execution order is deterministic.

Reporter / Generator

You can specify one reporter (output to stdout) and multiple generators (output to a file). Currently builtin formatters are progress, documentation, tap, junit, null, debug.

Ranges / Filters / Focus

You can run specific example(s) or example group(s) only.

It can be specified by line number (a_spec.sh:10:20), example id (a_spec.sh:@1-5:@1-6), example name (--example option), tag (--tag option) and focus (--focus option).

To focus, prepend f to groups / examples in specfiles (e.g. Describe -> fDescribe, It -> fIt) and run with --focus option.


ShellSpec has integrated coverage feature. To use this feature Kcov (v35 or later) is required.

  • How to install kcov.
  • Be aware that bash is the only shell which can be used for coverage.
  • Coverage measures only Evaluation and Include

By default only files whose names contain .sh are coverage targeted. If you want to include other files, you need to adjust options with --kcov-options.

# Default kcov (coverage) options
--kcov-options "--include-path=. --path-strip-level=1"
--kcov-options "--include-pattern=.sh"
--kcov-options "--exclude-pattern=/.shellspec,/spec/,/coverage/,/report/"

# Example: Include script "myprog" with no extension
--kcov-options "--include-pattern=.sh,myprog"

# Example: Only specified files/directories
--kcov-options "--include-pattern=myprog,/lib/"

Coverage report and cobertura.xml and sonarqube.xml files are generated under the coverage directory by Kcov. You can easily integrate with Coveralls, Code Climate, Codecov and more.


When the --profile option is specified, the profiler is enabled and lists the slow examples.

Task runner

You can run the task with --task option.

Project directory

Typical directory structure.

Project directory
├─ .shellspec                 [Required]
├─ .shellspec-local           [Optional, Ignore from VCS]
├─ .shellspec-quick.log       [Optional, Ignore from VCS]
├─ report/                    [Optional, Ignore from VCS]
├─ coverage/                  [Optional, Ignore from VCS]
├─ bin/
│   ├─ your_script1.sh
│              :
├─ lib/
│   ├─ your_library1.sh
│              :
├─ libexec/
│   ├─ project-your_script1.sh
│              :
├─ spec/
│   ├─ banner                 [Optional]
│   ├─ spec_helper.sh         [Required]
│   ├─ support/               [Optional]
│   │
│   ├─ bin/
│   │   ├─ your_script1_spec.sh
│   │             :
│   ├─ lib/
│   │   ├─ your_library1_spec.sh
│   │             :
│   ├─ libexec/
│   │   ├─ project-your_script1_spec.sh
│                  :


Project default options for shellspec command.


Override the project default options to your favorite.


Log file used for Quick execution.


Directory where the generator outputs reports.


Directory where kcov outputs coverage reports.


Directory where you create specfiles.


If spec/banner file exists, the banner is shown when the shellspec command is executed. Disable that behavior with the --no-banner option.


The spec_helper.sh loaded by the --require spec_helper option. This file is used to prepare for running examples, to define custom matchers, etc.


This directory is used to store files for custom matchers, tasks, etc.



The best place to learn how to write a specfile is the sample/spec directory. You should take a look at it ! (Those samples include failure examples on purpose.)

Describe 'sample' # example group
  Describe 'bc command'
    add() { echo "$1 + $2" | bc; }

    It 'performs addition' # example
      When call add 2 3 # evaluation
      The output should eq 5  # expectation

  Describe 'implemented by shell function'
    Include ./mylib.sh # add() function defined

    It 'performs addition'
      When call add 2 3
      The output should eq 5

Translation process

The specfile is a valid shell script, but a translation process is performed to implement the scope, line number etc. Each example group block and example block is translated to commands in a subshell. Therefore changes inside those blocks do not affect the outside of the block. In other words it realizes local variables and local functions in the specfile. This is very useful for describing a structured spec. If you are interested in how to translate, use the --translate option.


Describe, Context - example group

You can write a structured example by using the Describe, Context block. Example groups can be nested. They can contain example groups or examples. Each example group runs in a subshell.

It, Example, Specify, Todo - example

You can describe how code behaves by using the It, Example, Specify block. It is composed by a maximum of one evaluation and multiple expectations. Todo is a one liner empty example.

When - evaluation

Defines the action for verification. The evaluation begins with When. Only one evaluation can be defined for each example.

When call echo hello world
 |    |    |
 |    |    +-- The rest is action for verification
 |    +-- The evaluation type `call` calls a function or external command.
 +-- The evaluation keyword

There are two types of evaluation, When call and When run. and When run has sub types of command, script and source.

See more details of Evaluation

The - expectation

Defines the verification. The expectation begins with The.

Verifies the subject with the matcher.

The output should equal 4
 |    |           |
 |    |           +-- The `equal` matcher verifies the subject value is 4.
 |    +-- The `output` subject uses the stdout as a subject for verification.
 +-- The expectation keyword

You can reverse the verification with should not.

The output should not equal 4

You can use the modifier to modify the subject.

The line 2 of output should equal 4
    +-- The `line` modifier use the specified line 2 of output as subject.

The modifier is chainable.

The word 1 of line 2 of output should equal 4

You can use ordinal numbers.

The second line of output should equal 4

ShellSpec supports language chains like chai.js. It only improves readability, does not affect the expectation:

  • a
  • an
  • as
  • the

The following two sentences have the same meaning:

The first word of second line of output should valid number
The first word of the second line of output should valid as a number

Skip, Pending - skip and pending example

You can skip an example by using the Skip keyword. If you want to skip only in some cases, use a conditional skip Skip if. You can also use Pending to indicate that the example needs to be implemented.

Temporary skip and pending

The (non-temporary) skip and pending is for long term skip and pending. It need time to resolve and it may commit to a version control system.

The temporary skip and pending is for short term skip and pending. Used during the current work, do not commit to a version control system.

The skip and pending without message is temporary skip and pending.

Skip "some reason" # Skip with message is non-temporary skip
Skip if "reason" condition # Skip with condition is also non-temporary skip
Skip # temporary skip (this is comment but will be displayed in the report)

You can also temporary skip with blocks by prefixing with x (xDescribe, xContext, xExample, xSpecify, xIt).

Todo (and empty example) is also treated as temporary pending.

Include - include a shell script

Include the shell script file to test.

Set - set shell option

Set shell option before executing each example. The shell option name is the long name of set or the name of shopt:

Set 'errexit:off' 'noglob:on'

Path, File, Dir - path alias


Data - input data for evaluation

You can use the Data Helper which inputs data from stdin for evaluation. The input data is specified after #| in the Data block.

Describe 'Data helper'
  Example 'provide with Data helper block style'
      #|item1 123
      #|item2 456
      #|item3 789
    When call awk '{total+=$2} END{print total}'
    The output should eq 1368

Parameters - parameterized example

You can Data Driven Test (aka Parameterized Test) with Parameters.

Note: Multiple Parameters definitions are merged.

Describe 'example'
    "#1" 1 2 3
    "#2" 1 2 3

  Example "example $1"
    When call echo "$(($2 + $3))"
    The output should eq "$4"

The following four styles are supported.

# block style (default: same as Parameters)
  "#1" 1 2 3
  "#2" 1 2 3

# value style
Parameters:value foo bar baz

# matrix style
  foo bar
  1 2
  # expanded as follows
  #   foo 1
  #   foo 2
  #   bar 1
  #   bar 2

# dynamic style
#   Only %data directive can be used within Parameters:dynamic block.
#   You can not call function or accessing variable defined within specfile.
#   You can refer to variables defined with %const.
  for i in 1 2 3; do
    %data "#$i" 1 2 3

subject, modifier, matcher

There are more subjects, modifiers, matchers. please refer to the References

Custom matcher

ShellSpec has an extensible architecture. So you can create custom matchers, custom modifiers, custom formatters, etc.

See sample/spec/support/custom_matcher.sh for custom matcher.


Before, After - example hook

You can define before / after hooks by using Before, After. The hooks are called for each example.

BeforeCall, AfterCall - call evaluation hook

You can define before / after call hooks by using BeforeCall, AfterCall. The hooks are called before or after a "call evaluation".

BeforeRun, AfterRun - run evaluation hook

You can define before / after run hooks by using BeforeRun, AfterRun. The hooks are called before or after a "run evaluation".

These hooks are executed in the same subshell as the "run evaluation". So you can mock/stub the function before run. And you can access a variable for evaluation after run.


%const (%) - constant definition

%const (% is short hand) directive defines a constant value. The characters which can be used for variable names are uppercase letters [A-Z], digits [0-9] and underscore _ only. It can not be defined inside an example group nor an example.

The value is evaluated during the specfile translation process. So you can access ShellSpec variables, but you can not access variable or function in the specfile.

This feature assumed use with conditional skip. The conditional skip may runs outside of the examples. As a result, sometime you may need variables defined outside of the examples.

%text - embedded text

You can use the %text directive instead of an hard-to-use heredoc with indented code. The input data is specified after #|.

Describe '%text directive'
  It 'outputs texts'
    output() {
      echo "start" # you can write code here
      echo "end" # you can write code here

    When call output
    The line 1 of output should eq 'start'
    The line 2 of output should eq 'aaa'
    The line 3 of output should eq 'bbb'
    The line 4 of output should eq "ccc"
    The line 5 of output should eq 'end'

%puts (%-), %putsn (%=) - put string

%puts (put string) and %putsn (put string with newline) can be used instead of (not portable) echo. Unlike echo, it does not interpret escape sequences regardless of the shell. %- is an alias of %puts, %= is an alias of %putsn.


Output log to $SHELLSPEC_LOGFILE (default: /dev/tty) for debugging.


See Parameters.

Mock and Stub

Currently, ShellSpec does not provide any special function for mocking / stubbing. But redefining a shell function can override existing shell function or external command. It can be used for mocking / stubbing.

Remember that Describe, Context, It, Example, Specify blocks run in a subshell. When going out of the block, redefined functions are restored.

Describe 'mock stub sample'
  unixtime() { date +%s; }
  get_next_day() { echo $(($(unixtime) + 86400)); }

  Example 'redefine date command'
    date() { echo 1546268400; }
    When call get_next_day
    The stdout should eq 1546354800

  Example 'use the date command'
    # date is not redefined because this is another subshell
    When call unixtime
    The stdout should not eq 1546268400

Testing a single file script

Shell scripts are often made up of a single file. ShellSpec provides two ways of testing a single shell script.

Sourced Return

This is a method for testing functions defined in shell scripts. Loading a script with Include defines a __SOURCED__ variable available in the sourced script. If the __SOURCED__ variable is defined, return in your shell script process.

# hello.sh

hello() { echo "Hello $1"; }


hello "$1"
Describe "sample"
  Include "./hello.sh"
  Example "hello test"
    When call hello world
    The output should eq "Hello world"


This is a method to mock/stub functions and commands when executing shell scripts. By placing intercept points in your script, you can call the hooks defined in specfile.

# today.sh

test || __() { :; }

__ begin __

date +"%A, %B %d, %Y"
Describe "sample"
  Intercept begin
  __begin__() {
    date() {
      export LANG=C
      command date "$@" --date="2019-07-19"
  Example "today test"
    When run source ./today.sh
    The output should eq "Friday, July 19, 2019"

Self-executable specfile

Normally, you use shellspec to run the specfile. But you can run it directly by adding eval "$(shellspec -)" to the top of the specfile.

# 'test.sh' with executable permission

eval "$(shellspec -)"

Describe "bc command"
  bc() { echo "$@" | command bc; }

  It "performs addition"
    When call bc "2+3"
    The output should eq 5
# You can run 'test.sh' directly
$ ./test.sh
Running: /bin/sh [sh]

Finished in 0.12 seconds (user 0.00 seconds, sys 0.10 seconds)
1 example, 0 failures

# Also you can run via shellspec
$ shellspec test.sh

For developers

If you want to know ShellSpec architecture and self test, see CONTRIBUTING.md

Version history

See Changelog