
Wireless Mobile Agent Simulator

Primary LanguageJava

Wireless Mobile Agent Simulator

The Wireless Mobile Agent Simulator is a simulator to test out high-level algorithms on multi-agent system. It was presented at the 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology in June 2010. (http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5575291)


For now, the program is short on documentation. Sorry guys...

If you use Maven for compilation using "mvn package" a jar with dependencies will be generated under the target directory. This jar is directly runnable like any Java program.

When running a window will open letting you edit the world, the entities and so on... No time to enter more into details so don't hesitate to contact me if you are wishing to use it (and to help me with the documentation :p).


This program was developped by Damien Martin-Guillerez during his post-doc at LAAS-CNRS. It is available free of charge under the CeCILL-B license (similar to the BSD licence). You can read the full text of the license at http://cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html

-- Damien Martin-Guillerez (dmg at online dash go dot com)