
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Git repo for project. I can add you all as admin. If you don't have all the permissions you need, reach out.
  • Let's track issues / bugs in github.
  • CI / CD is setup.

Getting Started

- You need node installed
- Checkout this code 
- npm install
- npm start


- run Jest tests with ```npm test``` or ```npm run test:ci```

Hardhat Commands

- npx hh compile
- npx hh test
- npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network-name>
possible network-names:
- localhost
- rinkeby
- ropsten

Deploy using HardHat

1. Add your test wallet's PRIVATE_KEY to your .env file

To export your private key from Metamask, open Metamask and
go to Account Details > Export Private Key
Be aware of NEVER putting real Ether into testing accounts

2. Fund your test wallet with ETH

you'll need to have your wallet funded on the network you intend to deploy to

ROPSTEN Faucet: https://faucet.ropsten.be/
RINKEBY Faucet: https://faucet.rinkeby.io/

3. Run this script:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network-name>

possible network-names:
- localhost
- rinkeby
- ropsten

You can add new networks in the hardhat.config.js

4. Your contract should be deployed!

The script should output the contract address.

View your deployed contract on etherscan:

RINKEBY: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/<INSERT-ADDRESS-HERE>
ROPSTEN: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/<INSERT-ADDRESS-HERE>

5. Verify your contract on Etherscan

run npx hh verify --network ropsten <INSERT-CONTRACT-ADDRESS-HERE>

Troubleshooting Contract Verification

- Is the contract deployment finished yet? If no, try again once it's fully deployed.   
- otherwise, remove the artifacts/ package: rm -rf artifacts then deploy and verify again 


I was thinking to use the following libraries. Yell out if you hate them or have a better idea.