
Generates apology videos for heinous YouTube sins you may or may not have committed

Primary LanguagePython

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This repo is the java gui version, the discord bot version can be found here

A problem our generation faces is the need to apologize for the horrible things we have done. Youtube sensations do so many horrible things, and apologize in such a generic and uniform way, the apology video has become its own 'unique' genre (I say 'unique' because these videos are all practically the same)

In order to maximize efficiency, a combination of sad videos with a text to speech function could easily generate these videos, saving precious time.

To that end, this program aims to automate the creation of Apology videos, and it achieves its purpose!

Java GUI

A fully frontend GUI for users has been developed. This allows users to not only generate their video outside of the command line, but also VIEW the video within the GUI!

In addition, the GUI allows users to scrub videos after they generate them.

GUI Demo

Next Steps

Despite the actual program being finished, there is more I'd like to do with it. Namely, upload it onto a simple website to allow anybody to generate their own apology videos

Improve discord bot functionality-- Current method of operation engages in blocking, which is not ideal for a discord bot.

In addition, there are more bugs than I would like in the program, and they cause it to crash every so often. These bugs are typically within writing videos to file, and mixing the audio


This is the Mac Application version, which you can download and run on your computer, without needing anything else (except a java jdk)

Download Link