
Set of macros for building Phoenix.LiveView modules

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Set of macros for building Phoenix.LiveView modules to help manage database records.

This is done by configuring default implementation of LiveUI for a given Ecto.Schema struct and initializing basic Index and Show live modules. This will in turn build the infrastructure for displaying and processing data without need to write boilerplate code associated with m:Phoenix.LiveView#callbacks callbacks and HEEX templates.

LiveUI has the following features:

  • autogenerated views for CRUD operations
  • basic protocol implementation with sensible defaults
  • sortable tables with pagination
  • advanced search form
  • format values with css, functions and components
  • handles ownership to current user
  • handles relations
  • handles file uploads
  • support to override functions for data processing
  • support to override live view callbacks
  • custom actions for operations on single and multiple records
  • audit with record versioning
  • dark and light mode
  • debug mode that displays socket assigns

LiveUI is possible because of these libraries:

  • Cldr
  • Ecto
  • Faker
  • Flop
  • LiveInspect
  • LiveSelect
  • PaperTrail
  • PetalComponents
  • Phoenix


  • add entry to content list in assets/tailwind.config.js - ../lib/live_ui/**/*.*ex

  • add line to assets/css/app.css - @import '../../../live_ui/lib/live_ui/assets/default.css'

  • modify root.html.heex template - <body class="bg-amber-50 dark:bg-gray-900 antialiased">

  • add js-cookie to js/vendor for theme switcher - https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie

  • add theme switcher hook to assets/js/app.js

    const ColorSchemeHook = {
      deadViewCompatible: true,
      mounted() {
      updated() {
      init() {
        this.el.addEventListener("click", window.toggleScheme)
  • add switcher code to head in root.html.heex - <LiveUI.Components.Core.color_scheme_switch_js />

  • add switcher icon to body in root.html.heex - <LiveUI.Components.Core.color_scheme_switch />


Add Cldr module:

  defmodule MyApp.Cldr do
    use Cldr,
      default_locale: "en",
      otp_app: :my_app,
      providers: [Cldr.Number, Money, Cldr.Calendar, Cldr.DateTime],
      gettext: MyAppWeb.Gettext


Add hook to assets/js/app.js - https://hexdocs.pm/live_select/readme.html#javascript-hooks

Petal components

Instalation guide - https://petal.build/components#install_petal_components


# live ui
config :live_ui,
  debug: true,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  cldr: MyApp.Cldr,
  ignored_fields: [:token, :hashed_password, :first_version_id, :current_version_id]

# petal components
config :petal_components, :error_translator_function, {MyAppWeb.CoreComponents, :translate_error}

# flop
config :flop, repo: MyApp.Repo, default_limit: 10, max_limit: 100

# cldr
config :ex_cldr, default_backend: LiveUI.Cldr
config :my_app, LiveUI.Cldr, locales: ["en"]

# paper trail (optional)
config :paper_trail,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  originator: [name: :user, model: MyApp.User],
  strict_mode: true

There is a sample aplication bundled with the project that has all these set up, just run mix ecto.setup to generate some random data and start the server with iex -S mix phx.server. Admin credentials are admin@example.com/password.

Minimal setup

Ecto schema:

defmodule MyApp.User do
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string
    field :email, :string

Router entry:

scope "/", MyAppWeb do
  live_ui("/users", UserLive, MyApp.User)

Protocol file:

defimpl LiveUI, for: MyApp.User do
  use LiveUI.Protocol

Live modules:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserLive.Index do
  use LiveUI.Views.Index, for: MyApp.User

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserLive.Show do
  use LiveUI.Views.Show, for: MyApp.User

Is it any good?
