
JWT implementation for Yii2 Authorization process

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JWT implementation for Yii2 Authorization process

For details see JWT official website.


To install (only master is available now) run:

    composer require "damirka/yii2-jwt:v0.2.1"

Or add this line to require section of composer.json:

    "damirka/yii2-jwt": "v0.2.1"


There is only one trait - UserTrait - which gives you 5 methods for authorization and JWT-management in User model

Set up:

In controller:


// ...

use yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth;

class BearerAuthController extends \yii\rest\ActiveController
    public function behaviors()
        return array_merge(parent::behaviors(), [
            'bearerAuth' => [
                'class' => HttpBearerAuth::className()

In User model:


// ...

use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
use yii\web\IdentityInterface

class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
    // Use the trait in your User model
    use \damirka\JWT\UserTrait;

    // Override this method
    protected static function getSecretKey()
        return 'someSecretKey';

    // And this one if you wish
    protected static function getHeaderToken()
        return [];

    // ...