
Solution to interview task

Primary LanguagePython

Detect invaders in ASCII dataset

The solution uses a sliding window to detect known intruders in the radar signal.

The only third-party package required is pytest and its dependecies (see requirements.txt)

The sliding window is implemented in the "detect_intruder" function and the window has the same dimensions as the known intruder example. The window iterates through the whole radar signal in order to scan for intruders.

Intruders are detected by computing the hamming distance between the known intruder and the sliding window.


The solution can easily be extended and improved:

  • Check for "noise" in the radar signal (other symbols than "-" or "o") and handle it. An "O" (which is found in the given radar sample) could for example be substituted with an "o".
  • Better edge case handling. Currently we are mostly checking whether the radar signal inputs are empty. This could be extended to include more edge cases.
  • The solution assumes that the radar signal input and known pattern inputs are on the format given. We could extend the detection algorithm to remove newline characters and perform detection on any string.
  • Further testing of functions.

