
The course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level understanding of python programming for anyone and set the foundations for everything else you will learn in the future about technologies and other programming language.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Fundamentals

The course is designed to aim at imparting a basic level understanding of python programming for anyone and set the foundations for everything else you will learn in the future about technologies and other programming language.

Table of content

This course is divided into :

  • assignement: contains take home exercises.
  • example: contains sample scripts.
  • lesson_demo: contains lesson demo using Jupyter Notebook
  • projects: contains project to be done during the course.
  • slides: contains slides used during the course.


The following videos contains explanation of basic concepts in Python

KeenArc Python Fundamentals KeenArc Python Fundamentals

Python Lambda Expression Python Lambda Expresssion

Essential python links :