
Docker container for pyflame (a ptracing profiler for python) based on official python images

Primary LanguagePerl

Docker pyflame

Docker Pulls

This is a Docker image for Pyflame. This image runs with a base of Python:2.7/3.5/3.6 making it extremely convinient for development environment.

This image can also be found on Docker Hub.


docker run -it --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -v "$(pwd):/pyflame" msoedov/pyflame:2.7 bash
pyflame <PID> | flamegraph.pl > myprofile.svg

Note: --cap-add SYS_PTRACE is required and denied by default within Docker images

This is the bare minimum needed to use this image. Although further customization is made easier with a docker-compose file.