
Backend of a web application, developed by using Express.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


☕️ Starducks Server


  • This repository is created with Express JS, to develop a REST API for CRUD processes of coffee data given by company. Because of the given YAML file, Swagger UI preferred for documentation. Deployment process done on Heroku and CI/CD pipelines managed by using CircleCI.


  • Cors: Used to enable CORS policy
  • Morgan: Used as a logger
  • MongoDB: Used as database
  • Mongoose: Used for object modeling
  • Nodemon: Used to restart server automatically
  • Swagger UI Express: Used to serve Swagger
  • Swagger JSDoc: Used to read annotated source code and generate OpenAPI specs.
  • UUID: Used to generate random UUIDs


# install packages

#start application with node
yarn start

# start application with nodemon to see changes on server instantly
yarn dev

# test application
yarn test